Back Where It All Began

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Betty's Story

After we boarded, Jughead and I got seats next to each other. The whole time I was on the plane all I could think of why Jughead did this. All of this. Why did he come with me? Does Abby know about it? " Betts?" Then I turned to him. " Do you want something to eat, they are coming around with menus?" I nodded and then I got pancakes and Jughead got waffles even though it was dinner. " You know, waffles are better than pancakes." I giggled and shook my head no. " What are you talking about? Pancakes are the best." And then he shook his head and then I scoffed. After we got done fighting about that he turned to me. " Why did you leave?" He asked. I can't lie to him. Now that I know that my dad is in jail. " I will tell you when we get to Riverdale." and he smiled sadly and then nodded. Then an hour went by and we got off the plane and into Greendale since Riverdale still didn't have an airport. We got our luggage and then Jughead turned to me. " Are we good?" And then I tilted my head to the side. " What do you mean?" I asked. " I mean are we good about the past. That's when I kicked you out and then you left." He drifted off. " Yeah, we are. Let's restart. Hi, I am Elizabeth Cooper but call me Betty. I go to Yale." I held out my hand and he chuckled. " Hi, I am Forsythe Pendleton Jones III but call me Jughead and I think I have seen you before." I rolled my eyes then I shook his hand. After we left the airport we drove to Riverdale. Then I spotted the iconic sign ' Welcome To Riverdale Town of Pep!' I chuckled to myself. I think back to everything that happened throughout my life. My parents are in jail, Polly and Charles are back again, and Jughead and I are back where it all started. Weird how the world works. Eventually, we got to my old childhood house. We got out of the car and I took a deep breath. Staring at the red door not wanting to go to my house. Thinking back to when my dad beat us and my mom just stood there like nothing bad was happening. Jughead noticed so he grabbed my hand then I looked up at him. " Hey, it's ok if you are scared to go in there. A lot has happened in that house." And then I nodded. " I am ready." Then we got up to the door and I rang the doorbell. Polly Answered it then when she saw me she hugged me instantly and I hugged back. " Oh my gosh! Betty, you're here!" I laughed and once she got done hugging me. " Who is this handsome man?" She asked pointing towards Jughead. He smirked and I laughed. " Polly this is Jughead, Jughead this is my sister Polly." I said introducing them. Once Polly heard Jughead's name she immediately turned upset. " Betty has talked about you a lot. Some good things but a lot of bad things. Did you know that she came home crying every single day in elementary school because someone was bullying her?" I kind of forgot to tell Polly that we dated then broke up. " That's a long story but I will fill you in on everything. I promise. She still looked like she was going to kill him. Jughead just stood there without saying a word. " And besides, we are friends now and we go to Yale together." She nodded then I heard a little kid's feet stomping on the floor. " Aunt Betty!" They both screamed. I smiled then crouched down to their level. " Hi June, Hi Dag. You guys got so big!" I said with excitement. " I know, mommy said I grew 2 inches." June said. " But I grew 2 and ½ so beat that!" Dag said and Jughead, Polly, and I all chucked. " Are you staying with us now?" June asked me with bright blue eyes. " Only for a couple of days." And then they both pouted but then I took them into my arms. " But I get to spend all of my time with you guys!" And their faces lit up. " Ya!" Then they ran off somewhere. " They love you, Betty, You are so great with kids." I got back up and smiled. " Thank you." I looked at Jughead but for some reason, he kept staring at me. It got kind of awkward but then Polly said something to her. " Hey Jug-head, stop staring at my sister like you want to do her." My cheeks went red but Jughead got embarrassed and looked away from me and at the ground. " Polly!" I shouted. " What, he was!" Then Jughead stepped in. " I am going to go see my dad. I will see you later though, right?" He asked. " Yes, of course." Then he turned to me. " Do you want to go to Pop's for breakfast tomorrow? It's ok if-" Then I cut him off. " Sure, at 10:00?" And then he nodded and left. After he left I looked back at Polly and she was smiling very happily. " What?" I asked her. " You are totally in love with him." And I scoffed and shook my head. " What-no I am not." And then she gave me the I-know-you-are-lying face. " Come on, it's super obvious and he likes you too." And shook my head again. " He has a girlfriend." I said in his defense. " And?" I sighed. " So he doesn't like me." She shrugged it off like it was nothing but I know we will talk about it sooner or later. " Whatever you say. Let's go inside and say hi to Charles and Catherine. I nodded then we went inside. When I got inside everything still looked the same when I lived here. I went to the living room to see Charles and Catherine. She had brown hair in a ponytail with green eyes wearing leggings and a dress that shows that she has a baby bump. " Hey, Betty." Charles said while walking over to hug me. " Hi." I said. " After we hugged he then introduced me to Catherine. He told me that Catherine helps him with detective cases and is having a little girl that they are going to name Caroline. ( Catherine and Caroline, sound familiar? I was too lazy to write the conversation) After he introduced us we played some family games that were fun. I never really done any family game type of stuff in this house before but I know it's different this time around. It feels like we are a family that was never broken. Catherine and I are similar personalities wise. We both love solving detectives, we both love to write, we love to work on cars, and we love our family. When I got back into town I wasn't sure how it will go but now that I am back home for a few days I am super happy I am back in this town.

Hi, how are you? I didn't have school today so why not post something? I might post tomorrow and Sunday. Depends on how the week goes. It didn't make sense for me to not include the title name in the story somewhere so yeah. Do you guys have any predictions on what's going to happen? Will Betty tell Jughead the reason? Anyways, thank you for reading my stories. Have an awesome weekend!


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