The Awkwardness And Drama

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Betty's story

When Jughead and Abby left I felt like I could breathe again. " That was weird, especially with the 'you guys are dating' thing," Hanna said to me and Reid. " He was talking about how he was happy with his girlfriend and I remembered Betty being sad so I wanted to try to help her," Reid said looking at me. " By trying to get him jealous? Real mature dude." And Reid rolled his eyes. " Ok would you just go on with your day when he is super happy with his new girlfriend when Betty has been depressed and talking about him for 4 years?" And Hanna sighed. " When you put it that way then it is reasonable, sorry b." She said to me. " Your fine and this just proves that you are my best friends." Then I got up and hugged them both. When I stopped I held on to Reid's arm and looked up to him. " Are you going to walk me to my class, my boyfriend?" And they both laughed. " Of course my girlfriend. Bye Hanna." He called out. " Bye love birds." Then she took off to her next class and Reid walked me to my class. When we went around the corner I spotted Jughead and Abby so I turned to Reid and pulled him into a long kiss. I am pretty sure I caught Jughead staring at me when I did that. " Bye, baby. I will see you later." He said and I kind of cringed but smiled. " Bye." Then he kissed me on the cheek and before he left he winked at me and I slightly nodded. Then when the class started I sat in the middle in the back so no one noticed me. Jughead took the seat a couple of rows up so I was grateful that he didn't sit next to me. Although he was looking at me a couple of times. I am sure it was nothing. When class ended I gathered all of my stuff and then headed to science. It was across campus so I walked to the science lab and I noticed that Jughead was following. I turned to look at him and he had his headphones on and he didn't notice that I was looking at him until he looked up and took his headphones off. " Do you need anything?" He asked. " No, I was just wondering." Then I stopped because I didn't know what to ask him. I couldn't say are you following me because that's just weird. " Where's your next class?" I asked. " Science." I nodded then I walked towards him. " Me too, do you want to walk together?" I asked him. " I mean sure." Then we walked silently for several minutes until we got there. There weren't seats open so Jughead sat by me but I didn't mind. Mr. Smith was over 15 minutes late so I turned to Jughead. " Where is he? I mean if he wanted to teach college kids he would be here." I said annoyed then Jughead was laughing a little. " What?" I asked him and he shook his head. " Come on Jug, what?" And then he stopped laughing. " You're cute when you are mad." Once he said that he turned bright red. I can feel myself blushing at what he said to me. " Oh gosh Betty I am so-" Then I cut him off before he said anything else. " It's ok Jug," I reassured him. After about 20 minutes left, Mr. Donavan decided to teach the class. After that, I didn't have any more classes, and neither Jughead, and once we got out he turned to me. " Do you want to catch up and go grab something to eat?" He asked me. I kind of thought he was still mad at what I did to him but I accepted. " Of course, let's go to Lucy's." He nodded then we walked to Lucy's.

Jughead's Story

I asked Betty if she wanted to catch up and she surprisingly said yes. We went to a coffee shop called Lucy's. Once we sat down I ordered black coffee while Betty ordered a blueberry muffin and hot chocolate. " So how have you been?" I asked, starting the conversation. " I have been good, what about you?" She said. " Doing fine, I guess." Then the awkward silence came. " Do you want to play 20 questions?" I asked her since we didn't know what to talk about. " I mean we already know each other but sure." I smiled then I went first. " What's your favorite color?" I asked her and she laughed. " You already know it but it's still pink. My turn, how is everything in Riverdale?" She asked. " Riverdale hasn't changed except for one thing. Still a war between the Northside and the Southside." I said to her and she looked confused. " What 'one thing' has changed?" She asked me. Wait, does she not know that her parents went to prison and that Polly and Charles are back? " Do you not know?" I asked her and she shook her head. " Know what Jughead?" She said seriously. " Your parents got arrested and Polly and Charles came back to Riverdale." Then she had a blank expression. " What? They are? And I didn't know about any of this?" She asked. Betty was crying a little so I went over to her side and sat down beside her. " I am sorry," I said. " It's not your fault Jughead. None of this is your fault." She said whipping her years on a napkin. " I know but you should've known," I said trying to comfort her. Then she started sobbing into my chest while I was hugging her. " It's ok Betty," I said quietly. " Do you want to talk about it somewhere else?" I asked her and she nodded her head. " let's go back to my dorm." Then I helped her out of the seat and we went to my dorm. Luckily Reid wasn't there so I sat her on my bed and I grabbed some tissues and brought it to her. She was still crying when I got back. Once I calmed her down she looked up at me with her puffy red eyes. " Thank you." She said to me. " Why?" I asked. " Because you were the only one who told me what happened to my family. My sister didn't even tell me and she promised me that she would get me out of that town but she didn't." She said crying again. " Hey, hey, don't cry. Do you want me to tell you what happened?" And she nodded her head. " Ok well, a couple of weeks ago Polly moved back to Riverdale with her two twins and so did Charles and his new wife, Catherine. They finally told the cops what has been happening since they were little and then they got arrested. They have been living in your old house. I am so sorry they didn't tell you." I said, pulling her into a hug. It was nice having her in my arms even though she is crying. After she stopped crying she got up and so did I. " What are you doing Betts?" I asked and she froze for a second. I just called her by her nickname I used to call her. " I am going to call Polly and ask her what has happened." She said but when she got to the door Reid opened the door. " What happened?" He asked and then I spoke. " Her parents got arrested and her sister and brother came back to Riverdale." Reid then looked at Betty and pulled her into a hug which made me kind of jealous. " Thanks for helping her Jug. I can take it from here." Then he pulled out of the hug. " Let's go to your dorm and get you cleaned up, ok?" Then she nodded and when she was going out of the dorm room she stopped and turned to me. " Thank you Jughead." She then left and Reid looked in my direction. " Thank you for helping her." He said and I nodded. " Your welcome," I said. " I will be back later." Then he left to catch up with Betty. Just like that, I was all alone in my dorm room. I hope Betty will be ok.

Hello, how are you all doing? What do you think Betty will do now that she knows this? Do you think Betty will tell Jug her big secret? If so how will he handle the news? It will happen but it is too early. Do you like that it is longer than the other book or not? Is this sequel good or is the other book better? Leave your thoughts in the comments. Anyway's thank you for reading my stories. Have an awesome day!

Who do you think is behind the tapes in season 4?

Let me know what you all think in the comments! :)

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