Breakfast At The Cooper House

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Betty's Story

We were all sitting at the table, eating Polly's pancakes without talking. It was getting awkward and Charles knew it too so he began to speak. " So Jughead, how long have you known Betty?" He asked. " Since elementary school." Then Charles nodded. " I heard from Betty that you guys used to date, isn't that right Betty?" Polly said, taking a bite of the pancakes. Why does she have to bring this up? She already knows the answer. " Yeah, we did." I said looking at my pancakes. " Why aren't you dating now?" June asked us. " Well, Jughead has a girlfriend." I said to June but I don't think she gets it. " Ok, but why can't aunt Betty be your girlfriend?" She asked again. " Juniper, that isn't a nice thing to ask." Polly said to her. " I was just asking." She said, shrugging her shoulders. Then there was a wave of silence over our table until Jughead broke the silence. " This is really good." He said to Polly and she smiled. " Thank you." After that, we all got done eating within 20 minutes and then I heard Polly talking to Jughead. " Just talk to her, don't be a wuss." She whispered in the kitchen. I quietly chuckled to myself. " I will but-" Then Polly cut him off. " You have to do it right now, she is about to meet a friend." That is true but I kept listening. " Do it before it's too late." Do what before it's too late? Then I heard footsteps coming my way so I ran towards the stairs and put my shoes on. " So Betty, who is this 'friend' you're meeting at La Bonne Nuit." Polly asked me. " His name is Kevin, we were best friends in high school." I said, grabbing my bag. " Hey, Betty." Jughead said, stopping me at the door. " Yeah?" I looked up at him. " I umm-nevermind, have fun." He said opening the door for me. " Ok, thank you." I smiled at him and I waved to them. Once I arrived at La Bonne Nuit I looked around and saw Kevin. Once we saw each other we ran to each other and hugged. " Hey B!" He said, still hugging. " Hi, Kev." I said. Then a waiter got us seated in a booth. " So how are you?" I asked him and he smiled. " I am doing good, I have a lot more friends than high school." I nodded. We didn't have any friends. We were the social outcast until you-know-who changed my life. " What about you? When did you show up in Riverdale?" I chuckled. " The reason I am back is that Jughead told me what happened to my parents and my siblings who are living in my old house which I didn't know about." Then he gasped. " Did you say Jughead? As in Jughead Jones? As in your lover?" I shook my head and cut him off. " Slow down Kev, you are going so far. Actually, when I told Jughead I had to leave he kicked me out then a couple of years later I got accepted to Yale, and turns out Jughead and his girlfriend got into Yale also." He gasped more and I shook my head. " That's not even the worse part. I have to live with his girlfriend and he has to live with one of my other best friends." His eyes widened wider and wider. " Is that all?" I shook my head again. " Yesterday he kissed me then ran and then showed up for breakfast unannounced today." I said, still smiling. " How are you smiling? I mean your ex has come with you to Riverdale where you met might I add and for what? Probably for you." And I shook my head. " Why would he come just for me?" I asked him. " Girl, you're my best friend but you're dumb. Why did he even come with you in the first place? He is in LOVE with you!" I looked at him. " It doesn't make sense, did I forget to mention to you that he has a girlfriend?" I asked and he nodded his head. " What's your point? The heart wants what the heart wants." I rolled my eyes. " Now you are just copying some random movie." And he laughed. " I may be so, but you know it's true." I sighed then I took a drink of my Root Beer. " But why? Why hasn't he told me yet if he does?" I looked at Kevin and he shrugged. " Maybe he doesn't want to ruin your friendship with him when you guys just connect again." I shrugged at his response. " If he wants to tell me how he feels about me then whatever, it's fine." I said, casually eating a roll-out of the dish they were serving it in. Then Kevin gasped. " You like him!" He said. " No, I don't." I said to him. " Yes, you do." I shook my head. " No, I don't." He then nodded his head. " Betty." Then I sighed. " Fine Kevin, I like him, no I am in love with him!" I shouted. Everyone at La Bonne Nuit turned around and looked at us. " I told him that I love him but he will never be with me because he has a girlfriend and they love each other." I said putting my hand on my face and started crying into him. " I am sorry Betty, you know I think you and Jughead will end up together." He said trying to make me feel better. " Thank you, but you don't know that for sure.Then he took my hands and held them. " I am sure and to prove it I'll make a bet with you." I looked up at him confused. " What?" I asked him and he nodded. " You heard me. If you guys are married by the time you are in your thirties then you owe me 100 dollars but if you guys are single or married to someone else then I owe you 100 dollars. So Betty Cooper, do you accept or not?" He pulls out a pen and paper. " Let's do it." I said with a smile on my face. He wrote what he said to me and then Kevin signed the paper and gave it to me. Betty Cooper, I signed. Then he put it into an envelope. " Keep it safe." I say sarcastically. " Oh, I will, In the future, be prepared to pay me 100 dollars." Then we both laughed. After that we just talked and talked for hours, catching up on each other's lives.

Hi, how is your day going? If you thought that Kevin was the friend that Betty was meeting then you were right. Who do you think will win the bet, Kevin or Betty? ( Probably Kevin, but that's a secret ). What do you think Polly wanted Jughead to talk with Betty about? You will find out the next chapter! As always, thank you for reading my stories. Have a great weekend!


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