Explaining What Happened

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Betty's Story

After Breakfast

" So what happened again?" Charles asked, sitting down by Catherine. " Jughead ran off after he kissed me and I liked it, and the worst part is that he cheated on Abby with me," I said to them. " But you confess that you still love him right?" Polly said and I nodded. " Yes, but-" Then she cut me off. " But nothing, you like him, he likes you. Just get back together with him!" Polly said loudly. The twins were in the room so they looked our way. " It's nothing, your mom is being loud," I said and they nodded and got back to playing with their dolls and cars. " I can't, he has a girlfriend and it was just at the moment. He probably is on his way to Connecticut as we speak." Polly shook her head and I sighed. I was probably right. Why would he want to be with me again after all the pain I caused? He probably hates me. " Betty, you ok?" Catherine asked. I whipped my tears and nodded. " Yeah, I am fine." They weren't buying it, so Polly got up from her chair and hugged me. " I am fine, really," I said, but again she didn't buy it. " It's ok to feel this way." I don't need Polly playing my therapist. " Let's talk about other things," I said and we did until I went upstairs for the rest of the day because I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. When I got in my room I had a memory with Jughead and I. These old memories keep coming up but I don't know why. It was when Jughead Jones said I love you for the first time to me.

Flashback to 4 years ago...

Jughead looked at me. " I always will care for you, no matter what. Even if I have an abusive dad I will still care for you. You are not a baby. Betty, you are allowed to cry. Everyone does that and you especially because of everything that happened to you. I will always listen to you about your problems. I love you and promise to never abandon you."

End of flashback...

Well, he broke that and many promises after that and my heart. I wish I could jump into a time machine and fix what I did. I would give anything to do that. To go back and fix my mistakes and maybe, just, maybe have a life with Jughead. Maybe this is what's supposed to happen. Maybe we aren't soulmates. Or maybe we will end up together someday. Get married and have kids but for now, the world doesn't want us to end up together right this very moment. I crawled into my bed and turned off my lamp. Then I went to sleep dreaming of what our lives were if I stayed in Riverdale 4 years ago.

Next Day

I woke up at 8:20, then hopped in the shower because I didn't take a shower yesterday. Polly said she has a whole day plan for us girls. Including June. We will eat breakfast here then go to little shops around town. When we get hungry we will go to Pops. After that, I will meet up with some old friends and catch up. When I get done I will hang out with my family for the rest of the night. I was shaving my legs when June and Dag busted into the bathroom. I guess Polly removed the door handle, but luckily there was a current so, they couldn't see me naked. " Aunt Betty!" June yelled. I stuck my head out of the current, so I could say something. " I am in the middle of taking a shower I'll play with you guys when I get out," I said, and then she spoke again. " Ok, but Mommy made a lot of pancakes for us. Oh, and your friend with the hat is joining us in a little bit." When June said that I imminently looked and turned to her. " What do you mean 'in a little bit?'" And she shrugged. " I don't know, 10 minutes? I can't tell the time." She said and Dag spoke. " Mommy said 9:30, remember Juni?" That's what he calls June. I checked the clock up above the sink. It's a weird spot, I know. The clock read 9:24. Great, I have less than 10 minutes to get ready to see him. " Ok, well, I need to get ready, can you distract my friend while I get ready?" And they both nodded eagerly. " I am the best at that," Dag said proudly. " Ok then." They left and I quickly shaved my legs. The one thing I didn't have on my mind was to see Jughead. I guess this day isn't going to go as planned. I can handle this. Bring it on.

Hi, how was your day today? June and Dag will be in the story sometimes just for entertainment and it won't be just adults talking. To make it more fun I guess. Why is Jughead coming over to the Cooper's house? Will it be awkward? Probably. What will go down? Find out in the next few chapters. The next POV is Jughead and, what he is doing at Betty's house. Anyway, thank you for reading my stories. Have a wonderful rest of your day!


Which ship is better? Bughead or Falice?

( Betty and Jughead or F.P. and Alice, If you didn't know )

Comment your answer below! :)

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