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this wizarding world au, so I used harry potter book as background setting. mean, the story will used anything happens in that books as reference (including fantastic beast, but not cursed child, I refuse to using it as canon just because astoria died in there)

will, off course, have spoiler about harry potter, so if you didn't read it yet ... well, that's not my problems.

anyway, the year I set is in 2027, and like always, I'll use theirs real birth year. so it's mean:

oaujun is 34 years old,
pluem is 30 years old,
fiat is 31 years old,
frank and drake is 27 years old,
draco malfoy and harry potter will be 47 years old (well yes, it's their universe so they'll get in here too).

the story as always, following my golden trio, oaujun, pluem and fiat. but, I move their lives to England. just because I can.

this is a fanfiction.

some basic information about the cast:

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

some basic information about the cast:

main cast:

💀 oaujun korn khunatipapisiri
- pure blood
- a magizoologist
- ex member of the Statute of Secrecy Task Force under Rolf Scamander (2019 - 2023), in 2023 he left the task force and begin his own adventure as magizoologist
- hogwarts alumni (gryffindor)
- patronus: a dog

💀 pluem purim rattanaruangwattana
- pure blood
- a liason
- ministry official on Department of International Magical Cooperation (DIMC)
- hogwarts alumni (slytherin)
- patronus: a panda bear

support cast:

💀 fiat pattadon jangern
- half blood (with one of his parents is muggle born)
- a healer, spesialis creature-Induced Injuries
- hogwarts alumni (ravenclaw)
- still life with his parents in godric hallow. pluem childhood friend because they are neighbors (before pluem family moved away)
- patronus: a cat

💀 frank thanatsaran samthonglai
- half blood (with one of his parents is muggle)
- a legislator
- ministry official on Department of Magical Law Enforcement (DMLE)
- hogwarts alumni (hufflepuff)
- patronus: a brown bear

💀 drake sattabut laedeke
- muggle born
- a investigator, member of beasts division
- ministry official on Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures
- hogwarts alumni (gryffindor)
- patronus: a seal

guest cast:

☠️ draco lucius malfoy
- pure blood (slytherin)

☠️ harry james potter
- half blood (gryffindor)
- head of the DMLE

setting wizarding world di sini mencakup;
- 7 novel,
- 8 movie,
- fantastic beasts movie,
- game (hogwarts mystery, wizard unite) dan,
- semua trivia di pottermore.
(tapi tidak termasuk cursed child)

I removed the honorific because in western they didn't used it, they just simply call each other name.

beberapa setting asli sedikit saya ubah karena harus menyelipkan oaujun cs ke dalam timeline mereka dan saya tidak memakai timeline di cursed child.

albus dan scorpius tetap ada karena mereka ada di epilog buku terakhir. mereka berteman karena saya shipper drarry. mengikuti alur timeline yang asli, drarry tidak bisa terwujud, jadi anaknya yang saya layarkan di sini.

the ministry is still kingsley. posisi hermione di sini sekretaris penasihat menteri sihir.

I know I should finish rain first, but, I don't care. I'll write what I am in mood to write.

saya anggap semua yang membaca adalah potterhead, jadi saya tidak akan memberi keterangan footnote apapun.

the legacyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang