Ch.25 An Unexpected Hero

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A large crack in the sky form once he did. It kept getting bigger until a Hollow finally breaks through.

Not giving it a chance to really enter our world, Uryu shot an arrow right through it's head. The Hollow howls in pain as it disappears.

"First one down..."

Ichigo lunges at him and grabs the collar of his shirt, angry.

"What's wrong, Kurosaki?"

"Return it to normal. Drive those Hollows back!"

"Don't speak rashly. The die has been cast. Soon, Hollows will flood this town. So instead of grabbing me, I think you should run. That is, if you wish to protect as many people from Hollows as possible."


"And you should be careful. Hollows tend to go after humans with high spiritual energy first."

My sisters suddenly flash in my mind. As if having the same thought, Ichigo takes off.

"Wait, Ichigo!" Kon runs after him.

If I remember correctly, Karin should be playing soccer with her friends right about now. Yuzu should be at home with Dad.

"Uryu Ishida."

He looks from the direction Ichigo had run off from, to me. His cold eyes meet my colder gaze.

"If any of my family members get hurt because of this idiotic competition, I'll personally see your punishment myself."

"You'll punish me? ...With what power? Besides fighting normal people, you can't do anything to a mere Hollow. Let alone a me."

My glare doesn't subside.


Turning away, I quickly run back to my bike. Starting it, I take off.

Just you watch Uryu, I'll protect my family without any powers.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

The crack in the sky seemed to get bigger and bigger as Hollows entered our world. However, I only care about protecting my family.

I speed through the streets, trying to get to Karin. Unfortunately, just as I turn onto a street-


A Hollow lands in the middle of the road, right in front of me. I try to hit the breaks before getting close, but the Hollow spots me. Backhanding me, I fly from my bike and slid on the ground a few feet away from it.


With pain coursing through my body, I manage to stand. My legs threaten to collapse under me, but I was still standing. I cover my ears as the Hollow lets out a irritating wail. Once it finishes it's stupid battle cry, it rushes at me.

I manage to jump out of the way, letting the Hollow headbutt the side of a building. From the falling debris, a dust cloud forms around the Hollow. It blocks my sight from it. Looking around, I begin thinking.

There's no one around, so I can leave this creature here. I can't fight it, and I have no time to deal with it. I have to get my family together. Once their safe, Ichigo can focus on the Hollows.

I head for my bike and hop on.

"Running away?!"

Like elastic, the Hollow's arm shoots out from beneath the dust and grabs me. I'm lifted very high into the air, to only come crashing down. The concert street beneath me breaks, forming a small crater.

The amount of blood that came out of my mouth was...very concerning. The Hollow's hand, gripping my body tight, lifts me from the ground.

The pain I'm feeling is unbearable. Why am I still alive?

"You're soul smells so good~!" the Hollow speaks with excitement in it's voice. "I can't want to taste it."

My vision... It's starting to blur... I'm starting to...lose all feeling... Am I dying? Is that what's happening here? I'm going to die with my family in danger?

My vision turns completely black. The last thing I see was the Hollow's disgusting mouth coming closer to me.

~~~~???'s P.O.V.~~~~

Watching from the shadows, I see Emiko's eyes close. She passed out.


I point my index finger right at the Hollow, from my hiding spot.

"Hado #4, Byakurai."

A powerful lightning bolt shoots from my finger and hits the Hollow, shattering it's head. I quickly run to catch her as the Hollow disappears.


She's safely in my arms as a few more Hollows surround us. I just gently lay her on the ground.

"Don't you see I'm busy right now?"

Not caring, the Hollows charge in towards us. I grit my teeth, pissed off.

"I said, I'm busy!! Hado #33, Sokatsui!"

Aiming my palms up, large amounts of blue energy blasts the Hollows around us. All of them disappear as I lower my hands.


I fall to my knees, weak.

"It's been a long time since I've used that much spiritual energy... I really need to get back into my training."

I look toward the unconscious girl.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you... I promise."

"How cute."

My head shot towards the voice. A watch as a rather large Hollow lands in front of me, from the sky. Standing a few feet away, he stares us down.

"A soul reaper, I heard your souls are pretty tasty."

Smirking, I stand up.

"Would you like to find out?"

Grinning, razor sharp claws exit the Hollow's body, jetting forth at me.

"Bakudo #81, Danku."

A translucent barrier, in the form of a large rectangular wall, stands tall in front of us. The claws bounce off, leaving the Hollow wide open.

"Bakudo #1, Sai."

The Hollow becomes paralyzed and was unable to move.

"Let me go!"

"You're lucky I'm using Kido. If I had my zanpakuto, I would have erased your very existence out of reality."


"Now," I smile. "I'm done wasting my energy on a weak creature like yourself. Bye~. Hado #31, Shakkaho."

A small, red, orb discharges from my hand and hits the Hollow, creating a exposition. The Hollow was gone once the dust cleared.

"Okay... Now I'm really tired."

I look back at Emiko's form.

"I'll bring you to his place. You'll be safe there."

Picking her up, I use flash step to instantly bring her to the safest place around.

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