After a few minutes, I was able to calm Nagi down.
"I'm sorry... That was uncool of me."
"It's fine."
"Would like to hear the tale?"
"...Are you sure?"
"...Yeah, why not? Friends share secrets, right?"
"...Only if you want to, then I'll listen."
"You are the bestest friend anyone could have, Emi. I'm so glad I've met you."
She latches onto my arm as she hugs me. I simply sigh, ignoring the feeling of annoyance bubbling in my head. Sitting up, she faces me.
"As you know, my name is Nagi Sai Yamamoto, granddaughter to Head Captain Yamamoto, daughter to Tomohiro Yamamoto, and elder sister to Kazz Ryu Yamamoto. Before my brother, my father was the second lieutenant of squad one. I was the third seat.
My father was a strong individual. Some may argue he was almost as strong as the Head Captain. In fact, the Head Captain planned it so if anything were to happen to himself, my father would of taken over his position.
Anyway, one day, he receive a mission to eliminate some strong Hollows in the World of the Living. He made up a team of soul reapers, and had me join them as part as my training.
At the time, I was neglecting my training because I was so fascinated with your world. I mean, you guys did everything different from soul reapers and lived mostly peaceful lives. I guess you can say, I was bored with my life. When I was supposed to be training, I would sneak off to your world and have fun.
To get me back in the right mind set, my father ordered me to go on the mission with him. We went to your world to confront the Hollows, however they were way stronger then initially reported. Everyone was struggling, and I just...wanted to help.
It was the first time I truly used my zanpakuto's Shikai in a real battle. My father told me not to, but I thought I could handle it. But, I was dead wrong. My zanpakuto was too much for me. I lost control over it. It killed the Hollows, but it also kill my fellow soul reapers.
My father tried to help me control it, but my zanpakuto took him by surprised, and heavily injured him. He used the last of his strength to force back into sword form. Once it was all over, he laid dying in my arms. Backup was taking forever to reach us. By the time they did...he was gone."
She just looks towards the ground.
"He told me everything would be okay. That I shouldn't blame myself. I...didn't want to live anymore, but he reminded me of my baby brother. He said he shouldn't suffer loosing a father and a sister the same day. Backup arrived, finally, and they took me in and seized my zanpakuto. For my crime, I was to die."
"But then you escaped."
"Right, I've been hiding out in your world since then. Four years later, I met up with Kisuke and Yoruichi again. They brought Tessai along with them. They were hiding out too."
Nagi stops talking and stands.
"What's wrong?"
"I feel...the spiritual energy of two people battling right now. Judging by this's two captains? That can't be right. Why would captains be fighting each other?"
"You tell me. I can't feel anything."
"Well...I don't know the two soul reapers fighting right now. So, who cares."

Fanfiction[First Book] Emiko Kurosaki is a 15 year old teen who has no memory of her past. All she remembers was waking up on the streets, at the age of seven, cold, confused, and starving. Luckily, a kind couple pick her up and brought her into their home. I...