Ch.20 Grand Fisher

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Karin froze as an image of a large Hollow appears behind the kid.

"Emiko? Karin? What's wrong? Let's get going. Dad's still calling."

Yuzu takes a step towards us.

"Don't come any closer!" Karin warns her before I do.

Yuzu freezes in place.

"...What are you? That...thing behind you..."

"Yes. You two can see that much? You're the best!"

The Hollow swings it's arm towards us. I push Karin towards Yuzu just as it comes into contact with me.


I hit the ground a few times before coming to a complete stop. Yuzu tried to rush to my side, but Karin held her back.

"We have to help her!"

"I know, but-"

" dad... Now. The both of you." I ordered.

"Protecting them, how sweet. Doesn't matter, I'll eat them after I eaten you."

"In...your dreams." I struggle to sit up.

"Oh I will. You smell so delicious. I've never smelt anything like it."

Something jets out from underneath the Hollow's fur and wraps itself around my neck. I struggle to breath as I'm lifted high into the air.

"Emiko! Karin, what's happening!?"

" two... Please!"

I'll have to keep them safe. Maybe if I'm loud enough, he'll hear me.

The Hollow held me over it's open mouth.

"Say goodbye now!"


Without a moment's delay, Ichigo appear and cuts the thing in half, freeing me. He holds onto me as we safely land on the ground. The Hollow gets ready to swing it's arm, but Ichigo saw that coming. The limb goes flying once Ichigo removes it.

Setting me down on my feet, he has a stare down with the kid. I run right to the twins and pull them close to me as we watch.

"...What's going on here? ...You were the one at the river's edge that time, six years ago... Why are you here? How come you're with a Hollow?"

"Six years ago?" the kid thinks. "I don't remember that far back... Oh, I see, you've seen me before."

The kid's calm demeanor was pissing Ichigo off.

"That's right! What the heck are you!? A Hollow's crony!? Or are you controlled by the thing!?"


"Say something!"

"...Both are wrong, boy."

"...You... What the hell are you?"

Creepily grinning, the kid replies.

"A guy who has seen my form and yet survived... Hehehe... You...are a lucky guy."

The kid's head began splitting down the middle. As if he was shedding for his costume. Showing his true form, something shoots out of the kid's head and connects with the head of the Hollows.

 Showing his true form, something shoots out of the kid's head and connects with the head of the Hollows

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" that?!"

The Hollow speaks now.

"...But that luck has run out. Now that you've seen me like this... I can't let you go without eating your soul."

"That kid...was a part of you?"

"Grand Fisher."

Coming out of the woods next to us, Rukia stands next to Ichigo.

"That's his code name. He hides his body, while his neck protrudes a lure that takes on a human shape. Human's who can see that... That is to say, he attacks and devours humans who have souls of high spiritual pressure."


"By doing this, he increases his own strength. For fifty four long years, he has continued to elude us soul reapers. He's so famous that the Soul Society's database has an extensive record on him."

"As you say, brat. Anyway, there are so many who can see my form. What a catch. Hehehe! I'm happy. So happy. One, two, three, four... I wonder if all of you will fit in my stomach. Hehehe!"

Overcome with anger, Ichigo jumps high in the sky.

"Ichigo!?" Rukia calls.


With all his might, he swing his sword down, aiming for Grand Fisher. However...


Ichigo breaks the ground beneath him as the Hollow jumps high into the air. It was there, the Hollow begins to attack. The battle between the two went on for a bit until Grand Fisher captures Ichigo, stopping his movements.

"Ichigo!" I worry.

Raising her hand towards the Hollow, Rukia begins to chant.

"Disintegrate! Rondaninni's Black Dog! Read, burn, and devour your own throat-"

"Stop, Rukia!"

Rukia immediately stops after hearing Ichigo's order. He cuts himself free and stands.

"Rukia...stay back this time. I'll do this alone. You go with Kon and get my sisters out of here."

"Don't talk nonsense! He's strong! I told you! For more than fifty years, he's eluded us soul reapers-"

"Shut up!"


"Please...don't interfere. This fight."

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