"...You're not my sister."
"Like it or not, he was my father too, Kazz. He told me to take care of you. Besides our grandfather, I was the only family you had left. He didn't want you to lose the both of us. So I escape the night before I was to be executed. I continued living so you wouldn't lose any more family."
"...You killed my-"
"Our father, yes. But he forgave me...even though I don't."
You only got one shot, Emiko.
Taking advantage of this distraction, I elbow Kazz in his stomach, stunning him for a spilt second. Once I'm out of his grip, I jump and grab his zanpakuto. Landing on my feet, I break the blade against the ground.
"Sh*t." he curses under his breath.
The glass dome shatters before disappearing completely.
"Emiko..." Nagi stares at me.
"I figured it out."
Kazz faces me, glaring.
"When your zanpakuto is spinning, it slows down time inside that glass barrier you created. Once it stops, time goes back to normal. That's way you're using that dragger. You can't touch your sword while it's spinning."
"Not to mention, the blade turns into the same martial as your glass dome. I took a guess, but it seems like it paid off. If the glass breaks, so does the dome."
"...Proud of yourself for figuring something as simple as that, Ryoka?"
I just continued to glare.
"It doesn't matter to me if you know how my zanpakuto works, or even the fact that you broke it."
He suddenly appears in front of me, dragger ready to kill.
"I can still kill a weakling like you."
"Bakudo #61, Rikujokoro!"
Six thin, wide beams of light slam into Kazz's midsection, holding him in place. He couldn't move at all. His eyes watch as Nagi walks by, towards me. She hands me my bag as she addresses him.
"You know...when you were a baby, your first word was my name... We used to be so close."
She faces him with a sorrowful expression.
"I'm sorry for ruining that... I hope one day you can call me your big sister once again."
Facing me once more, she grabs my hand. In the distance, behind Kazz, we can see a whole hoard of soul reapers making their way towards us.
"I'll be fine. Let's get you patched up."
She flash steps away, leaving behind a conflicted lieutenant.
~~~~Time Skip~~~~
"Don't move."
Nagi and I had found a small shed filled with cleaning supplies. I was laying down as she sat next to me. She was currently treating my wound, ignoring her own.
"There." she says as she finishes wrapping the bandages around me.
"...Thank you... What about you?"
"I'll be fine."
She sends a small smile my way.
"I don't know if you heard, but I'm the granddaughter of the Head Captain." she jokes.
"...But Renji beat you easily before. Not to mention I've knock you down quite a few times-"
"Shut up! I'm the greatest!"
Yeah...she'll be fine.
"Now put your shirt back on before some soul reapers walk in on us."
A grin suddenly fills her face.
"Unless, you like guys looking at that cute, sexy, naked body of-"
I punch her square in the face, sending her flying into a nearby wall. Putting on my shirt, I ignore her cries of pain.
"Don't ignore me!"
"What's the plan?"
I stand up, packing my bag.
"Are we going to Ichigo, or finding your zanpakuto?"
"...Aren't you scared of what could happen if we do find my zanpakuto?"
"No. Why?"
"...How come-"
"I know you'd never hurt me... We're friends, after all, right?"
She smiles a true smile while standing.
"Right! Let's go to Ichigo first!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. From what I can tell, Ichigo's battle is nearing it's end. He might be badly injured and of need of your assistance."
"But first-"
She flash steps away and returns after a minute or two. In her hand was a soul reaper uniform.
"You should put this on. If Ichigo sees that bloody shirt, he's going to kill me."
I take the clothes from her.
"Need help stripping?"
I push her out the door and lock it.
"Wait, that was a joke! Emiko! Don't leave me out here in the open! I might get attacked!" she pounds on the door.
"So you see my true intentions then?" I reply, changing.
"Emiko! Please! I'm sorry~! I promise no more jokes!"
"Don't ignore me! I thought we were friends?!"
"Funny, I don't remember saying that."

Fanfiction[First Book] Emiko Kurosaki is a 15 year old teen who has no memory of her past. All she remembers was waking up on the streets, at the age of seven, cold, confused, and starving. Luckily, a kind couple pick her up and brought her into their home. I...