I slowly open my eyes to see a smile. Sitting up, I properly see who's smile I was looking at.
"Now, didn't I tell you to stay put?"
I instantly hug him. I feel his arms wrap around me as I do.
"I'm so sorry."
"Me too."
I pull away and look at him.
"Hey now, don't cry."
"I'm very sorry."
He places his hand on my head.
"You said that, silly. Don't sweat it, okay? I shouldn't have said what I said to begin with."
"But I-"
He lightly bops me on my head.
"No more. We good?"
Wiping my tears, I show a small smile.
"Good. And thanks."
"For what?"
"Hanataro told me you helped him patch me up."
"Well, of course. I have to protect you."
"...Hey, you know how you think you owe me and our family?"
"I don't think, I know."
"Not the point. I would like to cash in your favor now."
"Let me protect my little sister. That's how you can repay our family."
"Come on, you owe me, after all."
"Fine...but I can't make any promises."
"Good. Now let's go. Ganju and Nagi got me caught up with everything."
"So you know about Nagi."
"Yep. Can't believe she hid it from us all these years."
"I know, who knew she was good at keeping secrets."
"Well, we need to get going."
He helps me to my feet.
"Where are we going?"
"To the Repentance Cell, that's where they're keeping Rukia. Hanataro is going to take us there."
"Oh, and Emiko."
"Make sure you stay close to me."
~~~~Time Skip~~~~
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Fanfiction[First Book] Emiko Kurosaki is a 15 year old teen who has no memory of her past. All she remembers was waking up on the streets, at the age of seven, cold, confused, and starving. Luckily, a kind couple pick her up and brought her into their home. I...