Ch.57 Losing Time & Making Amends

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~~~~Emiko's P.O.V.~~~~

Once we reach the training room, Nagi and I relax. Sitting next to each other, I punch her in the shoulder.


"You idiot. You almost got us caught."


"I swear..."


I look at her. Nagi suddenly busts out laughing.

"I can't believe a shrimp like him is a captain! Hahahaha! He's just a little kid, I doubt he could kill a fly."

"Nagi, you're one to talk."

"Okay, okay, I'll stop. But, his spiritual energy... I think he was the one fighting another captain... Weird."


"Anyway, I'm beat."

Saying this, Nagi lays down.


That "kid"... He may be a soul reaper captain, but...I don't know. He seemed like a mature, responsible, kind person. Now that I think about it, I think he wouldn't have attacked us if he found out who we really were.


Well, doesn't matter now. I should go to sleep too.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

It's currently the next day, and Nagi and Yoruichi were discussing Ichigo's progress as I just watch. Ichigo, again, was up against Zangetsu.


I can't be completely sure, but I think Ichigo is slowly growing.


A loud explosion comes from the entrance, startling everyone.

A loud explosion comes from the entrance, startling everyone

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"I was wondering what you could be doing in this place. Is that the true form of your zanpakuto?" a familiar voices speaks through the desk cloud.

The person drops to the ground, basically crashing into it.

"So you're hiding and training for Bankai? That sounds interesting."

Once the dust clears, Renji stood talk before us.

"Count me in." he grins at us.


"What are you doing here?" Renji cuts my brother off. "That's what you wanna say, right? Well, the reason is simple. We don't have much time left. So I was looking for a place to train in."

"No time? Explain." I calmly demand.

Renji's grin fades as he becomes serious.

"Rukia's execution date has been changed once again. The execution will take place at noon tomorrow."

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