Ch.19 Same Day, Different Time

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"This is such a tough hill." Yuzu complains.

"Really? It's nothing to me." Karin replies.

It's June 17th, and the whole family is currently heading towards the grave sight. I was walking ahead with the girls as Isshin and Ichigo walked behind us. Nagi is currently back at home, waiting for us to return.

"Do your best, Yuzu!" Isshin cheers for her. "Don't give in! Daddy's with you! Look!"

He's suddenly doing a handstand.

"Hey look at daddy! He's climbing the hill while standing on his hands!"

"Ignore him, Yuzu."

"But Karin-"

"She's right, Yuzu." I agree. "Encourage people like that and it will never end."

"How naive... Even if you don't look..."

Isshin is suddenly chasing us while still on his hands.

Isshin is suddenly chasing us while still on his hands

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"I still won't stop!"


The three of us start running for our lives.

"Take that! Special daddy sliding technique!"

He slides right to us and lands next to Yuzu, looking up at her.

"...Polka dots..."


Yuzu quickly pulls her dress down more as Karin kicks her father, sending him back down the long hill.

"Scram to the ends of the earth, old man!"

He stops once he's at the bottom.

"No~... W-Why~?"

"Enjoy starting from the bottom again!" Karin shouts to him.

I sigh and shake my head.

"Can we please keep going? I would like to get there some time today."

"R-Right, let's go, Yuzu."

"Okay, Karin."

So the three of us continue walking. That was until Karin noticed someone standing I the distance.

"There's someone there."

"You're right. Is that person visiting a grave too?" Yuzu questions.

"You think? ...Oh, she's turning this way."


With a big smile, we waves at us.

With a big smile, we waves at us

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