Ch.71 Silly Shenanigans

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~~~~One Week Later~~~~

"Oooo~, how about this?"

Nagi holds up a cute stuff kitty.

"Perfect, she will love it."

It's been a week since we saved Rukia and Aizen's betrayal. Everyone was relaxing in the Seireitei, all healed up. Tomorrow, we were to go home.

Right now, it's the afternoon. Nagi and I were shopping, currently. I promised to bring souvenirs back to Karin and Yuzu.

"Oh, Karin will like this."

"Actually...she would, put it in the basket."

"Got it."

"It's scary how well you know my sisters... You're not stalking them, are you?"

"Don't even joke about that. I've learned about them from over the years I was hanging with you. Wait! Emiko! You have to get this!"

Nagi starts filling up the basket even more.

"Hold on, your grandfather didn't give us that much money."

"It'll be fine, trust me."


"Okay. Done."

Picking up the basket, we head over to the counter. Standing behind it was a kind-looking old man. Remember what I just said. Kind looking.

"We're done~."

"About time. I was supposed to close twenty minutes ago."

After adding up the bill, he faces us.


He hands Nagi the bill.

"Whoa! That's a lot."

"Yup, and you have to pay it."

"...Well, you see~... I don't have that much on me right now-"

"What?! I don't care if you're the Head Captain's granddaughter, or that you're friends with the White Soul Reaper here, you have to pay!"

"Geez! I know, old man. And show some respect for my friend here!"

"Why should I?"

"Do you remember the White Soul Reaper that disappeared years ago?" Nagi grins.

The man's eyes widen once he realizes some. Facing my way, he completely changed his tune.

"I'm s-s-so sorry, my lady! I-I didn't know you were her! It's an honor to have you shopping here. I'll happily wait for the Kuchiki Clan's payment. You two just take this stuff and have yourself a very good day."

"Thanks~." Nagi happily sings as she grabs the basket and leaves.

We're walking through the shopping district as I try to understand what just occurred.

"Nagi, what just happened? What did he mean by Kuchiki Clan's payment? Why did he start acting like that towards me? We didn't just steal this stuff, did we?"

"Of course not."

"But...we didn't give him any money."

"Right. Now let's go see Byakuya and tell him he has a bill that needs paying."


"Don't worry. He's incredible rich."

"That's not the point. Why did you just dump the bill on him?"

Not answering me anymore, she grabs my hand and takes off running in a random direction with a full smile on her face.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

We end up at a Hospital-like building. Looking up, I frown at the sight. Ichigo and Orihime were hanging from someone's window.

Ichigo...this makes us look like complete idiots.

"Oh, the Strawberry is here too? Whatever, let's go, Emiko."


Heading inside, we head to the thrid floor. We stop outside of a random door and knock on it. It takes a second, but Renji answers it.

"Oh, hey guys."

"Let us in, little boy." Nagi pushes right pass him.

"Little boy?!"

I bow to Renji.

"I'm sorry for her."


"Little Byakuya! You're looking so much better. Good for you."

Nagi places the basket on a table and faces the man sitting in bed. Ichigo and Orihime were hanging from the window still.

"Nagi? Emiko?" Ichigo asks.

Walking into the room, I walk up to him, ignoring everyone else.

"Ichigo." I coldly spoke.

You can see the physical chill run throughout his body.

"What are you doing?"

"W-Well, I had to speak with Renji real quick."

"So, you do so by jumping in through the window? Not only that, but unannounced, as well?"




"Does space exist in the Soul Society?"

"Well...actually, I don't know. I know it does in the World of the Living." he thinks.

"So you don't know, huh? ...Ichigo."


"Care to help me find the answer to my question?"

"...N-No, not really-"

Without letting him finish, I kick him straight in the face as hard as I can. He ends up flying way higher than Nagi ever did when would kick her. He vanishes into the clouds.

"Whoa~. He's gone." Orihime watches.

Crossing my arms, I explain.

"Ichigo knows better then to enter a room through a window. That Idiot. When we get home, I'll be teaching that fool some manners and respect. I'll beat it into him if I have to."

"Oh, well...good luck with that."

Orihime lets go and runs off somewhere. Probably to go find where Ichigo might have landed.

"Anyway, here."

Nagi hands Byakuya the bill.

"What is this?"

"Your get well soon gift, silly. It's a bill you have to pay for us."

Byakuya glares at her.

"Thank you~. You're so sweet."

"I'm not-"

"Do it for Emiko~. She's poor, you know?"



She's the next to leave through the window.

Taking a deep breath, I calm my nerves. I face the two, still a bit annoyed.

"I apologize for that, fool. Here."

I hold my hand out towards Byakuya, waiting for him to hand me back the bill. However...

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