[First Book]
Emiko Kurosaki is a 15 year old teen who has no memory of her past. All she remembers was waking up on the streets, at the age of seven, cold, confused, and starving. Luckily, a kind couple pick her up and brought her into their home. I...
I snap out of it and look towards the transparent girl walking besides me. She had short, brown hair and dark brown eyes. She wore jean shorts with a orange and yellow top, and some matching sneakers.
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"Yes, Nagi? You were saying?"
"If you're going to ignore me, I might as well not talk to you anymore." the ghost pouts as she crosses her arms.
I simply walk away.
"W-Wait! Emiko!"
She quickly floats up to me.
"I-I didn't mean it like that!"
I continue to walk home.
"Don't give me that. Geez. Sorry, okay?"
"A-Anyway, like I was saying, I saw your big brother the other day."
"Yeah, the strawberry. He was putting flowers in a vase on the side of the road. It made a ghost of a little girl happy."
"I see."
"How come you don't do something that nice?"
"Because I'm busy."
"With finding your origin, right?"
I just look ahead with no emotion on my face. She looks at me and instantly regret what she said.
"I-I'm sorry, Emiko. I wasn't thinking. I know I shouldn't-"
"It's fine. I just wish my search wasn't so hard."
"...I talked with some of the really old ghosts today. None of them could tell me where you came from. Some just said you suddenly showed up in that alleyway years ago. It was like magic."
"This isn't a game, Nagi."
"I-I know that! That's way I told them to be serious!"
"...I see. Thank you."
"Yeah, no problem. I'm glad to help a friend."
We turn the corner to only almost crash into three teens running away in fear. They rush pass us, screaming their heads off.
I look to see what they were running from.
"...Ichigo..." I mumbled. "...Those fools."
I walk up to a teen what orange hair and brown eyes. He was talking to a ghost of a girl around my age as he picked up a knocked over vase.