"...You... You look like Ichigo."
Kaien gives me an annoyed expression.
"What was that?"
"S-Sorry. My name is Emiko Kurosaki."
"It's nice to meet you, Emiko."
"Likewise... You said Shiba? Are you related to..."
"That's right. Ganju is my kid brother."
...They look nothing alike.
"You know, it's rude to stare."
"I'm sorry, it's just... Ichigo would look weird with black hair."
Kaien's eye twitches. Grabbing a handful of my hair again, he gets in my face.
"Are you just naturally rude?"
"N-No, I didn't mean it to sound like that."
He let's go and backs up.
"You remind me of Rukia a little."
"Rukia? You know her?"
He weakly smiles as he stares at me. That's when it clicks.
"You're...You're the one she killed."
"She only did it because I asked her too."
"Is that so?"
He nods.
"Sit and I will explain."
~~~~Time Skip~~~~
Kaien explains the whole situation to me. He was battling a Hollow that took over his body. That's why he asked Rukia to kill him. He didn't want to hurt her or his captain at the time and he wanted to die with his pride.
"And that's that."
"Rukia feels horrible about your death from what I've seen."
"That idiot, I told her it was fine. When you wake up and save her, make sure you knock some sense into that girl for me. Tell her I'm fine...I'm happily resting with my wife."
A soft smile fills his face.
"I will let her know. But, why are you here now? Why are you talking to me?"
"I've come to wish you luck. I hope you can save her. Please..."
"Of course. My brother and I, and all our friends, will save Rukia."
He sends a wide smile my way.
"Good. It's a promise then."
He stands and stares into the black void surrounding us.
"It's time for me to go."
I stand and bow to him.
"It's very nice to meet you. I'll make sure we'll save Rukia no matter what. And I'll tell her what you said."
"Thanks. You know, you're alright, Emiko."
I smile a bit.
"Thank you."
"...Your heart is full of conflict. I can feel it... However, tomorrow you'll learn the truth about everything. That is, if you let the truth in. I hope you'll finally feel at peace when you do."
"Wait, what does that mean?"
He smiles as a fast approaching white light comes flying towards us.
"Hold on, Mr. Shiba! What exactly did you mean by that?"
"It's as I said. Tell my brother and sister I love them for me. Oh, and tell Captain Ukitake and Rukia I miss them too."
We're suddenly engulfed by the blinding light.
I shot up from the ground with my hand outstretched before me. It takes a few seconds for me to realize I was still in the underground training room. However...
"Ichigo?" I called out.
"Yoruichi? Renji?"
Again, silence.
"Where is everyone?" I look around.
"Oh, what?! Did you forget about me?!"
"Did they leave?"
"Don't ignore me!"
I sigh as I stand and face the annoying voice beside me.
"Nagi, where is everyone?"
"It's noon, where do you think?"
"Noon?! Why was I asleep until now?"
"I tried waking you, but you wouldn't answer. It was a bit freaky. You were moving around a lot. It must have been some dream you were having."
"Anyway, Renji left in the morning. Yoruichi and Ichigo just left a few minutes ago. In truth, he ordered me to stay here with you until he returns with Rukia. Then we'll go home."
"What?! But, I can't just stay here and wait-"
"I know that. So getting ready, we're heading out."
"...Thank you, Nagi."
"Don't sweat it. I know you wouldn't just sit there quietly anyway."
"You know me well."
"Of course." she grins. "We're best friends, after all."
"...Oh, is that what you call this?"
"I'm joking."
"You're not cut out for jokes. In truth, you suck at it."
"Can we just go already? Where is the execution taking place?"
"At Sokyoku Hill. That's what the information we gathered said anyway. I can get us there in no time. But..."
"What's wrong?"
"...My grandfather is most likely going to be there, with my brother no doubt."
"It's been over a hundred years since I last saw him. I guess you can say...I'm scared to face him again. After all, he's a scary old man."
She takes a deep breath to calm her nerves.
"But, this isn't the time to be scared. We have to backup Ichigo and save Rukia."
She slaps both sides of her face before smiling.
"Alright, let's go, Emiko."
"If you feel scared, stand behind me. Okay?"
My words taken her off guard.
"That's sweet, Emi. But, what are you going to do against my grandfather? Besides, I'm suppose to be protecting you."
"But you're weak."
"Excuse you?!"
I start walking towards the exit.
"Let's go, Nagi. Time is running out."
"Hey! Dammit, Emiko!" she chases after me. "Don't ignore me!"

Fanfic[First Book] Emiko Kurosaki is a 15 year old teen who has no memory of her past. All she remembers was waking up on the streets, at the age of seven, cold, confused, and starving. Luckily, a kind couple pick her up and brought her into their home. I...