Chapter 1

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(M\N) pov

*Bang Bang Bang* "Time to wake up!" The guard said as he banged on my cell door. "mmm" I hummed. "NOOOO" I heard other test subjects scream as they got torn apart by each other. 'I wonder who they will give me today'.

'Why don't you just kill them all it's so boring here' he pouts I sighed ignoring him as I waited for my meal to come as I stared at a grey wall painted in blood. 'Such an ugly color it's no longer the stunning red. Anyways my name is (M\N) I am 16, my home is a laboratory in the middle of nowhere. My parents didn't want me so after years of abuse to me and my siblings they put me in here when I was 7. My siblings were wonderful and happy but we were being abused and didn't know it.

We thought this is how a family is But then I meet my real mom and she made me realize that it is not how a family works But it was too late they accidentally killed my siblings from too much blood loss so They hid the evidence and got rid of me.

They also killed my mom... The only person who ever showed me love and compassion. But it's fine. I'm used to it ya know being alone.' That's sad your talking to yourself' he laughed madly "X! Time for breakfast." He opened the door quickly and tosses in a boy who seems to be a little bit younger than me. 'He's so pretty' 'he would look prettier covered in his own blood~' And quickly closes it to make sure I don't escape knowing I won't because if anyone feeds me I will obey.

I scanned him 'good they cleaned him' I walked over to him and he tried to run away. My tails came out and one stabbed him in the stomach pining him to the floor 'fuck I killed him... can't be helped all pretty things die eventually' I opened his mouth 'they also cleaned his teeth.' I sniffed him making sure he was cleaned ' I've always preferred natural soap they smell nasty when using scented soap.'

If they didn't clean his meals he would brake out easily and kill at least ten guards and inmates they would usually torcher me after but I don't care but that's it only clean food is all I will kill them over. If they harm me in any way I won't do anything.

I stab my hand through his chest and pull out his heart. I stand up and walk I in front of the wall covered in old blood and smash his heart against it *splat* ' I enjoy hearing that sound.' 'Of course we were born to kill' I take a step back 'how beautiful' I think ignoring him I take a few more seconds 'enjoy' the art that I created.

Then I go back. 'itadakimasu' (Thanks for the food) I take off my mask and eat. Tearing the flesh off the bones enjoying the delicious meat and juices that flow into my mouth. Once I've eaten all the flesh I keep the clean bones to chew on. I have a chest that I keep them in. I also keep a clean canine tooth as a trophy. I put on my mask making sure my mouth was clean.

"Drill" I said the guard hands me a small drill to drill a hole into the tooth. This is normal to them that's why they trust me. Once I've finished I put the tooth on a string that has lots more canines from others 'what a gorgeous necklace I've made.' 'It is quite beautiful' I hand the guard the drill and put it back on. "X get properly dressed you have a visitor. 'I don't have to see the doctor for a while I wonder who it is' I get dressed into the straitjacket, white pants, and muzzle over my mask.

When I walk out they put a quirk canceling collar on me. 'they still don't know that it doesn't work I was born like this it isn't a quirk... But it's badass so I plan on keeping it' they led me to a big ass room where there was a man with hands all over his body and a purple smoke thing. He seems to be checking me out. "Why is there stuff on his face take it off" demanded like a brat I snarled at him. "Shut up" my guard ordered as he smacked me and I quickly straightened up "He does not like to show his face and we have the rest for everyone's protection" the guard replied plainly. "Mhm," I hummed to confirm. "And he doesn't talk you said this if your most powerful subject!" "Do not judge this book by it's cover. We can have him demonstrate.  X, you will be having an extra meal. And do not do anything else"

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