chapter 3

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(M\N)'s pov

"Ok, guys it's time!" Shigaraki yelled. A bunch of people were in the bar Kurogiri opened a portal I prepared and picked up my things with the use of my quirk.

"Ok let's go (M\N) you stay by me" he blushed "ok" I walked up to the front. The blush on his face dropped as he saw me with my things in hand "Oh right... I forgot" he said sadly 'kiss him It will make him feel better' 'you just miss kissing people' I maneuvered all my belongings on one arm and picked him up with the other ignoring the feeling of him pressed against me. "Come on" I said as I started walking through the portal everyone followed.

I faced Shigaraki and kissed him hoping that it would make him feel better and I think it did because he moaned. I pulled away and looked around to see different terrains in one area. 'Strange' 'very'. I saw a crowd of teens and two strange-looking adults I placed my things down and placed Shigaraki on top then I walked towards the weird looking people 'they are so strange looking why?' I thought as my curiosity got the better of me 'let's go ask!' he said excited.

Dabi yelled, "THIS IS NOT THE TIME!!" I ignored him because he is not my boss. I jumped and landed in front of the really strange person wearing a white suit of some sort. looking down "you are very strange looking what are you?" I asked, "I'm number 13 a hero!" It tried to attack me but I stopped it by grabbing its arms in one hand "well I know that but what is that you're wearing very very strange? 'how strange indeed' "So many new things and not enough time how disappointing" I said before I was rudely interrupted by a sleep-deprived man wrapping his scarf around me.

"what a strange material where did you get it?" No longer hearing him "Not important What is your name villain" "I am no villain but my name is X what's yours?"I ask plainly with curiosity in my eyes tho he couldn't see it "(M\N)! Stop playing around and get over here" yelled Shigaraki "not enough time.

I have to go now it was fun talking" I said as I easily get out of his scarf "H-how,"the sleep deprived man said in disbelief I ignore him  'must be what the collar is made out of' I jump back to Shigaraki "yes?" "Come be my throne" I nod as I pick him up, sit down on my chest and place him on my lap "there" "thank you" "mhm" they started fighting I think number 13 died?

Anyways this huge creature fought 'is he yummy he smells yummy' ' let's eat him he smells so good' "(M\N) your drooling" "He smells so good" I said as I wipe my mouth and look around "there is so much beautiful red and its all going to waist" I 'whine' "you're too cute for your own good" I tilt my head confused.

'cute?' 'CUTE?!' He yelled laughing "Even if you betray us I'll give you a piece of nomu" he pointed at the huge bird "REALLY" I gave him a heated make-out session as a thank you. I pull away because I hear "It is fine now. Why? Because I am here!" the bunny man yelled.

I could feel Shigaraki's blood lust start to rise "go have your fun he's mine" he said as he stood up I nod and pick up my things and walk away to the side not wanting to fight just wanting a bone. I dug through my chest 'what oh what should I chew on hmm a rib?

Ya lets go with a rib I don't want to scare the teens away now' 'do you think we'll get some ass?' 'Probably not but we could go to fuck guard' I just sat there watching chewing on a rib seeing a hedgehog looking boy glaring at me from afar 'he looks pretty cute wonder what he tastes like' 'he's cute but (M\NNNN)~ I'm boreddddd' he complains "mhm" I stand up and pick up my things with one hand and walk over to the now-frozen lake.

I see the students get into a fighting position thinking I'm going to attack I ignore them walking over to the fallen villain's "what are you doing go fight the damn kids!" One yelled I place my things and rummage through them confusing both the students and the villains.

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