Chapter 12

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*after 10 minutes*

I felt the pain flooding into my body 'SHIT' I feel as my body Is tearing its self apart. I start to cough up blood then I hear the wolfs start to whine "ill be *cough* fine *cough cough cough* you can leave" *cough* *inhale* I hear the door open and close.

I slowly crawl over to my stash and lite some weed just letting it burn slowly hotboxing my room slightly helping with the pain but I still claw at my skin and clothes then the heat hit me 'so hot' I start panting and soon my skin feels like it's boiling

"AHHHH" I scream out in pain and crawl over to my bathtub and fill it up with freezing cold water 'not enough' I keep the water on letting it overflow I submerged my whole body underwater still clawing at my skin making the water turn red.

*time skip to 6 in the morning*

I feel the pain slowly ware off so I look at my clock '6' I slowly get up and drag my body to my clothes and put them on messily and take off my collar 'I need help' 'will do' I let him take control and he got me ready 'thank you' "no problem!"

I took back control and put my collar and muzzle on and teleported to class dragging my body to my seat I laid on my desk and noticed shadow and Ichigo under my desk as they laid on my feet I scratched under their chins then put my arms on my desk and looked out of the window

'so pretty' I thought as I see the cherry petals dance in the wind I flinched hard as I felt someone touch my very sore body I slowly turn to see who they are and see idda "are you ok" he asked worriedly I grunt and turn back he looked at me confused but looked down hearing a bark shadow nodded giving him my answer when he went back to touch me I took off my muzzle "what" I said in pain from using my raw throat

"hold on" I said releasing I haven't let myself heal when I finish healing my throat and cuts (your body's soreness didn't heal) "yes" I ask my head still laying on my desk "I just wanted to know that your ok" "ok then" I put my muzzle back on then turn my head looking back out the window disassociating.

I heard master say "Time for training!" so I got up and followed him and didn't talk to anyone I walked into the restroom and quickly changed Then walked out "partner up" I start walking to the bleachers but then feel someone touch me

I flinch hard because of the pain I turn to see master I tilt my head "you are going to practice with everyone" I groan then take off my muzzle and toss it Ichigo caught it wagging his tail

"good boy" I mumble and walk towards the students they follow but sit a safe distance. I see bakugou smirking walking towards me "fight me" I nod and follow him everyone stops and sears.

"Hold on" I take off my collar and hang it around Ichigo's neck "take care of them" they both nod 'training?' "Mhm" I stand on one side with bakugou is in a fighting stance he makes the first move throwing a right hook I easily doge it but being careful.

Every attack I doge not once punching back "FIGHT ME!" "Master" I say looking at bunny man "oh right X you may fight" I can tell he doesn't want me to kill him so I smirk. Making his eyes widen but before he can say anything I kick bakugou through a tree into a wall and just stand there "done" I say before grabbing my collar and muzzle putting them back on then walking over to bakugou before the nurse does anything I whistle and shadow and Ichigo walk over and shadow bites down on my palm making me bleed I shove my bloody palm into his mouth forcing him to drink it.

I let shadow clean up my hand as I see bakugou already healing once he finished he got up very pissed off I ignore the nurse and walk over to the bleachers and play with the wolfs "um ok moving on" bunny man says continuing class. "X class is done!" He yells

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