Chapter 10

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"No sleep again" I sigh "(M\N) you really do need to sleep more" he said worries "Time to wake up" I say as I move shadow and Ichigo. "Don't worry about me you know I've always been like this?" I say as I walk into my bathroom with shadow and Ichigo following me "I know *sigh* I just worry" "well don't" I say coldly as I shut the door.

I turn on the bath as I hear them both whine "Shut up I'm not in the mood" I growl and they instantly quiet down I open the door with my tail for them to get out while another tail grabs my collar.

I shut the door as soon as they exit I place the collar by the sink 'finally quiet' I think as I reach for my other hidden stash I pull out some edibles and my favorite Tequila homemade Cazadores that was half full 'might as well treat myself while I feel something' I chuckle dryly quickly eating three edibles and chugging the rest tequila bottle.

I put the edibles back and yell "Go anywhere you want to take my wallet if you want but you can't take the wolves!" I hear him rummage through my box then I hear my window open and close.

*Sigh* I strip and take a quick shower. I don't even look in the mirror knowing I have big dark bags from years of insomnia I walk out and change into my fresh uniform "let's go" I say as I put on my muzzle and eye mask.

I walk out and walk to my first class of the day not bothering to notice shadow and Ichigo adapting to my mood holding themselves up proudly and growling at anyone who got close to me not really caring either way. I walk into the classroom feeling them both hit at the same time (ignore the fact the edibles take 1-2 hours to hit😅)

'I still feel like shit go back to normal where I can't feel anything me! Ugh..' I think as I sit down


"(M\N)! (S\N)! (B\N)!" 'Mom' called us "we better go" said (S\N) "ya l-let's go" said (B\N) said while slightly shaking worried why she needed us "mhm" I said while standing up. We rushed downstairs and ran to the kitchen as soon as we entered she had a metal thing that was shaped like a star in a circle.

"(B\N),(S\N) go with your dad (M\N) your staying here with me" she said plainly "why can't he come with us?" Asked (B\N) "because me and (M\N) have something to do" (M\N) said with a smile but I could tell it was fake. (B\N) was still stiff so I rubbed his back telling him it was ok, and he relaxed "ok we'll get going bye (M\N)!" He said walking out the house with (S\N).

"(M\N)~ get in the basement." She said as she went into her room I walked down to the basement and waited for her shaking. "Let us get started" she said as she walked in hold the metal thing that was now red "m-mom what's that" I ask backing away as she walked closer "It's your symbol Hunny I promise it's won't hurt... for me" she said quickly as she put it on my chest "AGGHHH STOPPP IT HURTS!" I cried out feeling my skin bleed and burn.

*end of flashback*

I quickly snap out of it snaking my head 'nows not a good time for that' I blanked out just enjoying the feeling "class is starting take your seats" *sigh* I look out the window to see Shigaraki outside I tilt my head and give a small wave he waved back.

I turn to mummy man and gesture to my stomach his eyes widen and he quickly points at the door So I grab my things and walk out with Ichigo and shadow following me still growing at everyone.

As I walk out of the school I smell Shigaraki hiding nearby I take off my muzzle "why are you hiding" I ask In a random alley "just making sure you weren't followed" he said coming out of the shadows "what do you want I'm not in the mood." I ask coldly crossing my arms.

Shadow and Ichigo sit next to me sitting dominantly "um... I just wanted to see you..." *sigh* "you should know better than to come to visit me at school" I say plainly "also I came you give you this"

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