Chapter 9

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"(M/N)! Wake up" I open my eyes to see shota standing next to me "yes" I said my voice deeper and husky from just waking up. I see him blush "It's time to get up if we want to get to school on time"

I nod and get up slowly moving Lucifer off of me Then I stand up and walk out of the cave holding shadow in my jacket and carrying mummy man and Ichigo with my tails I quickly hold Ichigo to my chest but made sure he wasn't smashing shadow and held mummy man to my back who was holding on for dear life.

Once we got there I quickly put them down and walk to the dorm. I see all the boys in the main room "X!! Where were you!" Yelled Kirishima with bakugou following behind "Today or the last three days?" "BOTH" yelled bakugou "well I had a medical emergency and today went to visit my pack" I said then sparky yelled "ANOTHER WOLF" Then they all looked at my side where shadow and Ichigo sat "yes but do not run at him If you would like to live " I said quickly they gulped "(M-M/N) Why wo-ould he kill us" Deku asked shaking.

"well he is wild I would expect him to feel threatened if a random person ran towards him" I explained, "why would you bring him if he's wild?!" Yelled idda "why not" I tilted my head "He could have some kind of disease or harm someone!"

I tilt my head "so can people" he sighed giving up "since he's here you are probably his alpha" said bakugou I nod "yes I am. he is still learning to understand what I say So for now I make body gestures or sounds so I apologize if I startle you" "can I pet him?" Asked Deku

"yes but first, you must do something" he nods "pat my head" I say plainly he nods again as he walks up to me. I feel Ichigo starts to watch dekus every move. I bend down so Deku could pat me once he does I feel Ichigo relax seeing me relax at his touch and letting Deku pat my head signaling I trust him.

"You Can pet him now" I say standing up Deku nods and slowly puts his hand near Ichigos face letting him sniff it. Ichigo nudges Deku's Hand signaling he wants Deku to pet him. "You Can pet him now" Deku nods and begins to pet Ichigo "what's his name?" Asked Deku

"His name is Ichigo" I say "Why does Deku get to pet him!" Bakugo said jealous "because he asked" I deadpan I walk to bakugo and lean into his ear "There is something you can touch that Deku hasn't~" I say seductively he blushed And I could smell his blood smell get sweeter I pull away and walk back to where I was

"How is he is so sweet" Deku gushed "because He was a hunter" "hunter?" "Yes, he was a hunter in his old pack so he is near the bottom of the hierarchy so he has to be to not get killed" I said plainly

Everyone but Kirishima looked shocked Kirishima nodded "righttt I forgot about that!" Everyone turned to him "what I like wolves their so manly" he said with tears falling down his face.

I whistle shadow and Ichigo turns to me. I start walking away "Bakugou my offer still stands" I say everyone turns to a red bakugou confused. When I was about to open my door when I heard someone run to me and touch my shoulder Instinctively I turned and slammed them to the ground .

"Oh bakugou" "GET OFF ME!" He yelled, "sorry about that it was a reflex" I said as I let him go "some reflex" he grumbled while getting up "why did you follow me? Oh did you decide to take me up on my offer" I said plainly he turned red but nodded "ok let me go do something first" I said as I open my door carefully making sure he couldn't see.

Shadow, Ichigo, and I slipped in "this is your new home. Oh, I should buy some food for you" I said then I quickly poured some blood for shadow "YAY MORE WOLFYS" Ichigo tried to drink it "no your not trained and I don't want to have to kill you if you try to eat someone" he whined "only if you don't kill someone" his tail waged and I felt him go back into my tattoo.

"hold on I'll get you your own" I took out my box and took out two more skulls and placed them on the opposite side of their bed of shadows and poured some blood 'damn I'm going to need more blood' I give him a bone like shadows "there your settled in and shadow when he needs to go show him your toilet ok" shadow barks.

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