Chapter 11

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"YOO YAY!" He yelled smiling clapping I bowed laughing "why thank you" "MY TURN!" He yells getting up as I nod inhaling and take out a speaker "ok one second" I exhaled taking off my earphones.

"There" I say once I finish doing what needed to be done and sat on my bed *inhale* he grabbed my phone *exhale* he presses play and sings but I can't concentrate and pass out from exhaustion.

*the next morning*

I woke up feeling groggy "Did I fall asleep!" I panicked and began hyperventilating and felt him come out and he quickly shoved a happy pill down my throat "thanks" I say still hyperventilating waiting for it to kick in while rocking.

After thirty minutes it finally kicked in I felt super happy 'What should I wear!' I quickly put on my uniform and put on my white mask and collar. 'OHH SHOULD I DRESS UP THE WOLFS!'

I put a bow on shadow and Ichigo I did my hair and put on a necklace ring and bracelet 'I look good' I grabbed my bottle of happy pills and walked out smiling. I started humming to my favorite song as I made us coffee I pour them into three cups and gave shadow his bowl and some water in Ichigo's.

Idda walks in and grabs his cup when he turned to me he had a shocked look "y-your smiling!" "Of course I'm happy! Sorry for saying that yesterday" I said patting his head and walking off with my mug still in my hand 'I wonder how L.O.V. is doing' I thought walking to class when I enter I saw mummy man and I walk to my seat as Ichigo and shadow rush under my desk as I sit their already cuddling "you guys are soo cute" I said with a big grin and my mouth twitch's my mouth not used to smiling

"damn my mouth is already sore" I laugh "(M\N)" I look and see mummy man standing next to me "yes?" I say still smiling "what did you take." He said seriously "I took my happy pills" I said taking out my bottle and shaking it he snatched it out of my hand

He examined it "there are no ingredients labeled" "it's homemade, don't take it tho you'll die" he opened it and saw black pills "I'm guessing it makes you happy" I nod "ya but not just that! It makes me forget about anything that has hurt me! And this happy pill makes me extra happy"

"what's the downside" He tights the hold on the bottle "I have to take it the whole day I get anxiety and after I get a headache or I puke" I said thinking "that's it" I said happy "is it prescription" I nod and quickly snatch it back and shove it in my pocket as I smell someone coming.

I look out the window as if we never talked my leg bouncing in place quickly. I wait till class starts and cover my mouth with my hand not letting people see my smile so they don't get suspicious with one hand I play with the ring as my leg still shakes but I make sure it doesn't make noise. Once class finishes I wait till everybody leaves and pop another one because I have to take one every two hours.

I walk out with shadow and Ichigo behind me I still smile 'my mouth fucking hurts' I think as I try to relax the muscles now only having a small smile.

'I want attention' I think as I now pout touch starved 'now who should I go bother not mydorya cuz I already had lots of touching from him OHH I should get Kirishima he seems like a good hugger!'

I walk to the lunchroom and get my meat. Eating it as quickly as possible and walk over to Kirishima "hey Kiri could I borrow you for a minute" I said trying to hide my smile but instead, It looked like a creepy smile but he doesn't seem affected "sure!" As he gets up and throws away his garage we walk to the roof as soon as he sits down I pull him into my lap and lay down

"(M-M\N)?!" He said blushing "let's cuddle" I said as I snuggle into him but then I start feeling tired and say "I knew You could put me to sleep finally some sleep.." I said almost asleep enjoying the calming feeling of his body

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