Chapter 4

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Once we arrive at the school I put away my tails and carry my things in my arms "what happened" ask nezu worry laced in his voice I didn't reply I just kept following him. He didn't push I felt the stares of the curious students I just ignored them.

We walk into what I think are the dorms since there was a sign labeled boys dorms. He unlocked a door and went inside "This is going to be your room." I tilt my head in confusion "you are going to be attending the school in class 1-A" I nod "but what are you going to feed me?" I say as I take off my muzzle He looked unsure "We will be feeding dead people" I shake my head "no fresh or alive must be clean and I don't need a whole person or I will leave your choice" I said coldly.

He sighed " fine but It will be just a chunk and you may eat in the lunchroom if they ask it's a special kind of meat that only you can eat because of your quirk" I nod 'their lucky they have that cute boy here and I could go back home to get more food at lunch' 'YAY were going back home!' We think ignoring what happened "ok then make your-self at home and here are the keys we will be watching you no matter what you are a danger to the students and I will not hesitate to kill you" 'what a pointless threat I don't care We are stronger anyway' 'mhm!'

I nod and bend down and pat his head. He walks away. I turn and I don't like what I see 'It's quite big I like my cell better' I walk over to the bed and start to take it apart throwing the frame out the window only leaving the mattress removing the fluffy blanket and laying it on the floor for when I get my wolf pups. I tear the paint on the walls and rub dirt on them as well as sweeping up the extra dirt.

I keep off all the lights and go to the restroom it looks ok so I leave it alone and head back to the room. I start to unpack. Hiding my chest of bones, hanging up all my daggers but one It was given to me by my siblings It was (F\c) and (2F\c) it had a skull in the front I placed it in my shoe for safekeeping. And put all my clothes in the closest I take a look around the room 'feels like home' I remove all my clothes and lay on my bed and fell asleep.

*In the morning*

I woke up at six in the morning and got ready and put on my masks, necklace, collar, and muzzle. I was sitting on my bed chewing on some bones when *Knock knock knock* I walk to open my door and open It slightly so they couldn't see my room

"hm" I see a male wrapped head to toe in bandages 'he smells like that guy who almost got killed by nomu' "open your door" he said annoyed I shook my head "ugh whatever here is your uniform" he hands me the clothes "mhm" I close the door on him. I put it on properly and then made adjustments I pulled on the tie loosening it and unbuttoned the sweater.

I walked over to the mirror fixing my hair to the way I like it 'looks good' then I walk over and I grab a jar of blood and place it into a unclear bottle to drink if I get thirsty and my file.

I start walking around lost with a schedule in hand 'damn it... Maybe he could help me' 'I hate school!' I ignore him and I walk up to a short dark blue-haired boy "hm" I hum to get his attention but I see him jump he looked up at me in fear 'why is he scared? Maybe my muzzle?' 'Aww he's cute don't scare the baby with you ugly face' 'you think Im ugly?' '...'

"Y-yes?" He squirmed I point at my class schedule"O-oh yo-our lost f-follow me" I did and he led me to my first class 1-A "hm" I said as I pat his head as a thank you he blushed. I opened the door to my class and scan over them 'I'm taller then all of them... There are so many fucking cute boy I'm so lucky!' 'YESS!!' "HELLO, my name is Iida" he stuck out his hand for me to shake

'I know I like to touch cute boys... But I don't really wanna touch anyone right now' 'lier you would let me and that green haired boy' I ignore him knowing he was right. I nod and pull out my file and point at my name.

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