Chapter 13

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I got up at 5 am very horney 'someones in the mood~' "mhm" 'watch porn!' "No it's not as good as the real thing" I groan 'but you never watch porn!' "You are the porn addict, not me" he pouts.

"I wanna fuck alone so out" 'fine!' He comes out as I go through my stash. I grab a blunt and smoke it when I finish I walk out of my dorm 'I'm going to fuck the first person I see' The first person I see is shoto 'a challenge~' "hey shoto" I say plainly as I have a small seduction smirk he looks back plainly.

'Man maybe a challenge isn't what I want right now' My face turns expressionless "let go see what hawks is up to he's always down for a good fuck" I say as I walk past shoto he grabs my arms as I pass him "I will defeat you" he glears "whatever" I say boredly and walk away 'who to fuck who to fuck' I say looking around till I saw Bakugou and kirishima.

'I did say that I would eat his ass' I thought I walked up to him and gently tugged at his hand "WHA-" he stopped when he saw it was me "what" he grumbled I tugged at his hand again he got the hint and followed me
"why are we at my dorm?" He asked 'He can't be that stupid' I think but he looked at me with confusion "I'm here to get my dinner" I said smirking.

He blushes a deep red before quickly unlocking his door I close the door and strip and he does to I pick him and gently lay him on the bed I kiss him and quickly remove the rest of his clothes. I marked his shoulders not wanting to get him in trouble.

I flip him around face down ass up I spread his pail round Ass cheeks apart to see his cute pink hole I lick my lips at the sight I leaned down a bit so i can lick it. lubing it up I feel him shiver. I plunge my tongue into him eating him out as if I was starving.

I felt his knees give out so I held him up "Ah~MMM~" I ate his ass for five minutes before I pulled out making him whine at the sudden loss of pleaser I smirked.

I put in two fingers making him moan out "m-more~" so I put in a third one until I was fisting him when he was ready I pulled out my hand and lined up "tell me when it hurts" he nods I slowly enter him 'looks like he is fine' I push into him more until I'm fully in "color" "green" he said I slowly thrust "faster p-please" he said shyly making me smirk I thrust into him hard "AGH~ AH~ MMAH~" he moaned in surprise.

(Sorry I'm lazy🥲) After a few minutes, he came I slow down and flip him on his back. He was panting drool running down his chin "pretty" I mumble I noticed that his blush brighter 'fuck' I roll my eyes "don't think about it too much" I say as I start going hard his eyes rolled to the back of his head "AH~ MMM~"

I smirk getting harder at his moans 'hot' I lick up his neck 'a blank canvas waiting to be marked' I groan hide my face in his neck holding back.

*after an hour*

I cum deep inside him for a second time and he cums for the fourth. As soon as he did his body went limp I look at his face making sure he didn't pass out his eyes were droopy and his breathing was heavy and uneven i very quickly put on my pants and ran out to the kitchen I quickly got him a snack and a glass of water.

When I go back to him I sit him up and bring the water to his face "drink slowly" I say he nods and slowly drinks it until there was a little bit left I feed him the snack and he happily eats it.

"such a good boy" I say as I pick him up and walk into his bathroom I clean him and make sure to be gentle knowing I have to give him proper aftercare. As he washed his hair I changed his sheets I also opened a window riding his room of the smell of sex.

'I can almost go' I go to the bathroom and gently rinse him off and take him out I snuggly wrap him in his towel I dry him off with another and get him changed I walk to his bed and gently lay him down "did I go to ruff?" I ask.

He shook his head and hid his face in his pillow I ruffled his hair "well bye" I say as I walk to his door I open it and leave 'that was a good fuck' I mindlessly walk back to my dorm as soon as I enter he enters.

'OHHH HE LOOKED SO ADORABLE!' He yelled getting my memories then he got out "I wish I was there!" He whined I chuckled "you always do" "it's not my fault we are both sex addicts!" I nodded "can't argue with ya there" he smiled as I flopped on my bed he laid on me and nuzzled my neck we relaxed in the silence.

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