Chapter 14

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*Next day at 5 am*

I got up and showered making sure I'm squeaky clean after the shower I change into my all-white clothes and go hunting. More like pick up I went to a place where people take their lives and grab the freshest corpus that was only a few hours old and brought her back to school then realizing that I still had some nomu. I groaned but still cleaned her.

I was in the middle of eating her literally. When shadow woke up and decided to join me "you don't have to eat her I still have some of the nomu" he shook his head and continued eating and so did I. When we were almost done Ichigo came over and quickly finished her I chuckled and looked at the time.

"Enough time for another shower" I said out loud and grabbed the wolfs and showered them making sure there was no blood. Then I washed all the blood off of me and teleported my clothes on.

Making sure my collar was on and Ichigo was wearing my muzzle around his neck I walked out. I saw Tamaki waiting for someone I tried to walk past him but he stopped me "thank you fo-for yesterday" he smiled shyly blushing I nodded and pet him then walked away.

I got to my class and saw idda there I walked and sat down on my seat. I laid my head on the desk and looked outside and disassociated.


I looked over to see who touched me to see midorya and Kirishima "come eat with me" they both said at the same time I looked back and forth at them when I heard the door open and look up to see Tamaki very nervous but stuttered out "(M-M\N) w-wou-uld yo-ou eat w-wit-th me?" I stood up and walked over to him and nodded so he grabbed my hand and led me out.

He walked me to the lunchroom he got his lunch and I grab mine. He sat me down with his friends and began to eat I cut up mine and gave my wolves their pieces and ate my piece. "What was that?" One of his friends asked "raw meat" I said plainly "is it for your quirk?" They asked concerned I nodded and they calmed down.

I sat there quite listening to their conversation "you're like Tamaki" The girl said I shrugged in response "no he just doesn't talk much" the boy said the girl looked at him curiously "his expression hasn't changed" he pointed out she made a face of surprise "your right" she leans in and tries to touch my face but was interrupted by Ichigo and shadow growling knowing I don't like to be touched.

She instantly backed away and they stopped and laid on my lap "sorry... I don't like to be touched" I grumbled they nodded understandingly, I pet the wolves.

"(M\N)" I heard Tamaki say as he tugged on my shirt "hmm" I hummed and turned to him "do you not like me touching you?"

I pulled him closer to me wrapping my arm around his waist he blushed hard and looked everywhere but his friend's face "tamaki~" they teased he stiffened so I frown at her she got the hint and stopped.

I put Ichigo's head on his lap and grabbed his hand gently and placed it on Ichigo's head. At first, he didn't do anything but when Ichigo pushed his head against his hand he began petting him and smiled.

I looked at his friends that looked like they wanted to say something "what" "ship" the girls said with eyes sparkling I rolled my eyes tho they couldn't see it "how about you" "I just wanted to say I'm glad that someone can make Tamaki calm down" he smiled "oh right and that too" the boy sweatdropped at the girl.

I hum and look at Tamaki to see he froze blushing with eyes wide so squeezed him successfully snapping him out of it I tilt my head confused "n-nothing" he looked away so I brushed it off. I heard someone call for me I looked over to see nezu so I got up and walked over to him my wolfs following

"Yes?" I tilted my head "follow me" he said happily so I did when we arrived at his office I smelled someone I never wanted to see '(M\N)' he growled 'I-I know' I said panicking and our wolfs picked up on it and started to snarl it startled nezu. "No" I say quickly before trying to speed walk away But I bump into something I look up to see my master smiling.

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