chapter 5

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"He is a special case Aizawa that is why he is not allowed to spar with the others he is going to have separate training" nezu said truthfully mummy man eyed both of us suspiciously "Then why is he In my class" he looked at me "he is here to learn more about heros, hero work, and friendship" "friendship!?"

"Yes your class has the most diverse personalities and they have become friends the fastest If you haven't noticed X here does not show emotions and he needs to learn how to make friends if he wants to survive in the world." Said nezu.

"isn't that right X" I shrug then all of a sudden he slaps me I still had a plain look on my face. "Yes nezu?" I ask "see that is what I mean he follows every order but has a mind of his own" nezu says and mummy man nods " fine I'll tell you because sooner or later you're going to find out" nezu said disappointed.

"X file" nezu said with his paw out I handed it to him and he handed it to mummy man after mummy man reads it he nods and has a pitting face I growl at him making him irritated 'better' "I understand but what does he eat?" I and nezu look at each other and look back at him "It's best if you not know" nezu says and I nod mummy man looked irritated "Fine also I will try to be nicer to you (M\N)" "You'll have to work hard awizawa to X first impressions are very important" "Ugh now you tell me. (M\N) class is over go change and you don't need to see me after class anymore" I nod.

I pick up nezu and place him beside me I stand up and walk to the bathroom and change back keeping my riped mask for later on but keeping it off. I walk into the cafeteria and walk up to the lunch lady she says "we've been expecting you" she hands me something wrapped in a brown paper I walk off ignoring Kirishima calling me. I'm in front of the school and see the small piece of meat 'Let's go back home' 'YAY!" I jump over there while eating the meat.

*Time skip to when you arrive*

The guards in the front gate recognize me and let me pass I smell my guard and walk towards his smell I tap his shoulder and then out of instinct punches me in the gut *Grunt* "Oh X your back" I nod clutching my stomach but not showing any sign of pain "Did they not feed you enough?" I nod standing up straight "Let's get you back in your cell" I shake my head and take off my muzzle "I'm staying there but I came back for food" He looked surprised but then smirked "They have lots of cute boys?" I nod quickly.

"Ok but you can't come here every day they will get suspicious so come once a month" I nod I follow him to a room of boys around my age "Choose" I nod and look around then I see a stunning boy I point at him "I knew you would choose him" he laughed "Clean him up" he yelled and some other guards grabbed him.

"NOO DON'T HURT ME" I heard him yell as I walked out "I'm assuming you haven't got any ass either" I nod. I hear a room door slam open "(M\N) I'VE MISSED YOU!!" The fuck guard ran in jumping on me.

"Wow you let him jump on you" I remove my muzzle with fuck guard still attached to me "Let's fuck" he quickly nodded and tore his shirt off "NOT RIGHT HERE" my guard yelled I walked off to my room but the whole way we were taking are clothes off my tails catching them all I laid him down on my bed "I hope your ready" I say I still had my eye mask on.

He nodded I lay our clothes on the floor I trust into him unpreped "AHHH" he moans out. One of my tails slides into his mouth face fucking him while the others played with his nipples and dick.

Tears were running down his face but I know he's enjoying it cause we had been fucking for years 'He is never loose even though I always fuck him ugh' 'he feels amazing as ever ah~'I I use all my power in every thrust. His nails rake down my back "Ugh" I let out a grunt not minding the pain and blood.

I lift his leg over my shoulder knowing every inch of his hole I lean down using his flexibility to my advantage I see him cum on him-self not slowing down I kiss and suck on every inch of his neck leaving dark hickeys everywhere.

After and thirty minutes and him cuming 3 more times I could feel myself getting close I chase my release. I came deep inside of him triggering another release from him I pull out and grab a warm wet towel that my guard placed earlier I clean him and I up not being able to do proper aftercare because I'm in a laboratory. "You ok?" "Never been better get going or your not going to have time to eat.

"I'm going to sleep here" he gave me a peck on the lips I get dressed in some different clothes not wanting to get my school uniform dirty and leave to where I eat lunch I push open the doors and see my meal there I place my uniform down 'can I come out and eat' "sure" I said with a smirk and felt him come out we let loose letting are instincts take over.

*After eating and changing*

As I took whatever bones would fit in my pockets he went back into me and then I left the rest remembering I have to feed my wolf's I held the capsule and ran out into the wood following their smell once I see a pack of black and white wolfs I howl.

They turn and run at me they all jump and lick at my face "whoa whoa calm down" I let out a chuckle 'I can only ever feel around them' I throw the Capsule as soon as the chest appears they all sit and wait. Being careful to not dirty my clothes I pull out all the three bodies in the chest and let them eat once they ate their fill They drag what was left to their den and I followed being their alpha they allowed me. Once we get there I am greeted with six pups some mixed with white and black the rest white but one was all midnight black and had beautiful blood eyes.

They all lined up I removed my blindfold "hmmm" I let him have some control trusting he won't try and take over. We pick up the black one with red eyes We looked and It was a boy "You." As we said it my eyes turned into my ghoul eyes and some of the dark markings on are body went into the little wolf pup.

" As we said it my eyes turned into my ghoul eyes and some of the dark markings on are body went into the little wolf pup

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(Just the cracks and eyes and all credit goes to the artist (btw I don't know who the artist is 😰))

All the wolfs began to howl the black wolf's eyes became like mine then he began to transform he became bigger, muscular, his tail became tails like mine but red and black (If those are your colors then ignore that) his canines and claws became sharper. He was 8 feet tall "Transform back" I order and he does. He became that small little pup and his eyes return to normal.

We pick him up and began petting him "We'll name you shadow" (sorry if you don't like it) he barked in approval "I'm glad you approve but we have to get to school so hurry up and eat" I place him on the floor and he began eating. I take full control of my body and wait for him to finish. Once he finished his pack said goodbye until I come back and visit.

"Goodbye, my pack when we come visit It will be longer" they all bark I put on my mask and button my sweater, and place him in it wrapping my arms around him to make sure he doesn't fall out. I began jumping to school.

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