Chapter 8

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Once I return I run straight to my dorm room. Once I'm inside I place shadow down not realizing he had dried blood on him and begin to change realizing I still had my coffee and blood I get ready to clean then out but then. 'Oh, they replaced it"

so I closed them up and change into some normal clothes and take off my muzzle and mask letting my muzzle hang around my neck so I could drink my coffee. Walking out of my dorm with shadow in hand I smell Kirishima walking my way so my tails out and I climbed up the wall onto the ceiling so he wouldn't question me. He stopped in front of my door X "Please be safe and come back to me...."

Then he walked away 'he likes me? How strange I get fuck guard but why does Kirishima like me hmmm' I jump down. And run to principle nezu office. *Knock Knock* "Come in" I open the door "nezu" he quickly turns and yells " WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN EVERY ONE HAS BEEN WORRIED SICK" I tilt my head "worried sick?" He sighs "nothing just tell me what happened" I nod and sit on the couch as shadow jumps out slightly covered in blood "oh I forgot to clean you"

I say as I grab a box of tissue with my tails "I lost control so I went home so they can help me" I said plainly as I clean shadow up "where is home if I may ask" "You may not. Home is the only safe place" he sighed again "Ok then where is the blood on shadow from" "the blood is from home trying to calm me down."

"Some always die so it's fine my guard always helps me try not to kill them but it happened's" I shrug "how does he help you?" "He drills into my hands and feet into the floor so it's hard for me to get out and put's chains onto me while I'm in a metal box so I can't break out."

"Then they throw food into it to distract me then sends other guards to try to break off my mask so I can go back to normal." I say uninterested His eyes widen

"Is that normal for you!" I tilt my head "Yes is there something wrong?" "No wonder it's difficult for you to understand and show emotions!" I tilt my head "sure... I'm going back to my room now." I stand up and leave.

I enter the main room to see hot'n cold, deku, and iida. I tried to walk past them but the iida yelled "Skipping SCHOOL IS NOT ACCEPTABLE" I glare not on the mood "I wasn't skipping school I had a medical emergency" I say coldly Iida looks down in fear and shame feeling the glare "What medical emergency" asked hot'n cold "nothing of importance" we glare at each other "todoroki! (M\N)! break it up!" Yelled mummy man as he walked into the room.

"todoroki stay out of his business and (M\N) nezu told me what happened now go to your room." I sigh and nod as I start walking. "(M\N) it better not happen here I will not hesitate to stop you myself" I look over my shoulder and see mummy man very serious, hot'n cold confused, iida shocked and confused, and deku worried.

"No need to be worried Trust me shadow will do it first" a sad smile appears on my face but quickly disappears but they all saw.

I look down at shadow he barks a sad yes "Good boy" I say as I walk towards my dorm ignoring the confused/worried faces.

Once I enter my dorm I lay on my bed and completely take off my muzzle shadow jumps on my chest and nuzzles into me whinnying and about what I said "If I lose control in the school I want you to be the one that kills me" I say to shadow petting him as a creepy smile creeps on to my face "Fuck" I say chuckling as I cover my face with my hand.

Shadow quickly bites my finger off "FUCK!!" I yell out in pain. "Good timing" I pat him and pick up my finger tossing it to him as a treat as it grows back. I take off my collar 'you feeling ok?' 'Yes how about you?' 'I'm fine.. I'm going to get fucked up' I told him, him knowing the drill as he got out of my body and laid on the bed locking the door before.

I grabbed the coffee and blood and chugged them then grabbed a joint lit it and smoked it. Once I finished I was nice and calm, my emotions started to show "Shadow let's go for a run" I said excitedly like a 10-year-old he barks wagging his tail. "Bye!" "Bye have fun!" I jump out my open window shadow follows behind.

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