Chapter 6

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When I got there I was five minutes late but luckily shadow had fallen asleep so he was easy to hide.

*After classes*

I was walking to nezu's office when shadow woke up and popped his head out of my sweater "Hey shadow have a good nap" he barked happily "that's good to know" I began petting him.

Once we arrived shadow went back inside my sweater *Knock Knock* "come in" I opened the door and walked in I see nezu and mummy man "ah X just the person I needed to talk to" I tilt my head and sat next to him "I have caught shota up an- what's that" he pointed at the bulge on my stomach.

"I'll tell you but first continue" " Ok and he will not tell any students your situation he does not know what you eat no one knows except for me and all might" I tilt my head "You mean bunny man?" I hear mummy man laugh nezu sweat dropped "y-yes bunny man" I nod "now what is that" 'oh right' "I needed to tell you" I look over at mummy man then back at nezu "that I'm going to need twice the amount of food a day" he looked shocked "because of this guy" I reached in my sweater and pull up shadow.

He looks around and barks "A-a wolf pup!?" They both shout I began petting him "mhm" I look at them plainly "where did you get him!?" Said, mummy man.

"From my pack?" I looked at him like he was dumb "I have been taking care of a certain wolf pack since I was 10 and I'm now their alpha and they had a litter and I've always wanted a pet\companion to fight alongside me so they let me have one" "and he eats what you eat" nezu said nervously "Well now he does I used to feed it to their mother now and then to get the babies used to it... umm mummy man can you leave I can't tell this next part with you here"

He groaned and left "Ok look I don't a hundred percent trust you but I need to show you my eyes as proof" nezu nodded I remove my only mask.

He could see my (E\c) he looked confused but waited I turn my eyes into my beautiful ghoul eyes *gasp* "My ghoul eyes come out whenever I'm in a fight or I'm starving. Show your eyes shadow" shadows eyes become like mine crakes and all. "So you see he now can only eat human but don't worry he won't try to eat every human he see's" I turn my eyes back and so does shadow I put my eye mask on.

"As you can see he is still only a pup so he needs lots of food to grow and trust me just because he's a pup doesn't mean he is not dangerous" Nezu nods quickly "I will be sure to give you more" I nod and I'm about to put on my muzzle when nezu asks "Will you put a muzzle on him?"

I instantly stop and shadow growled at nezu "Will your friend make you wear a muzzle?" I ask coldly he shook his head "there's your answer" I finish putting on my muzzle and placed shadow on the floor I walk out with shadow following me.

We walk into the boy's dorm the main is the first room so I start to make some coffee when I heard shadow growling I look down to see shadow in a perfect defensive position then I look up to see he's growling bakugou.

I look at his face to see that is surprised but irritated that shadow is barking at him I remove my muzzle and go back to making coffee "Stop" I order I hear shadow stop growling "He is not a danger... Right now" I add on "HEY!" bakugou shouts angrily I here shadow start growling again "I wouldn't do that bakugou" I say as I start to pour in the hot water. "Shadow knock it off I know you want to protect me but I'll tell you when I need help" he whimpers.

I sigh and pick him up 'I wonder if he could drink coffee now that he isn't a normal wolf..' Once the coffee is done I made two cups "does the coffee smell good?" He barks as a yes. I grab a spoon and dip it in the cup and pick up some coffee up I bring it to my mouth and blow it enough to not burn his mouth then I put it near his mouth he starts to lick it "HEY! dogs can't drink coffee what's wrong with you!" I deadpan I look at him over my shoulder " he isn't normal now mind your own business."

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