Chapter 7

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At 6 am shadow started licking my face "I'm up I'm up" I say sitting up 'Fuck I couldn't sleep now I'm going to have to be more careful' *sigh* I sigh I get dressed and grab two jars not looking at the labels and pour one for shadow to eat\drink and put one in my bottle.

I walk over to my chest and grabbed a small piece of bone and eat it before I put on my muzzle securely and then put on my eye mask. 'Today is not going to be a good day' 'if you need me I'll be here' we talk before I subconsciously go to autopilot. I open my dorm room and walk towards the main room with shadow following behind me.

I start to make a lot of coffee I look in the cabinets and find a thermal bottle to keep my coffee hot I look at shadow and he barks I pour a bit for him and serve three other cups of coffee I pour the rest in the thermal bottle and put in 4 slightly red 'Sugars' that help with my hunger.

'I know they don't work but fuck I'm hungry it might be because I'm around all the students...' I thought still in autopilot mode I grab my thermal bottle and my other bottle and start to walk to class with shadow in hand forgetting to clean shadows bowl of coffee.

I release my deadly ora to keep people from talking to me and it seems to work but then bakugou walks in and walks towards me. "Hey thanks.." I just stare blankly at my desk not realizing he was there "HEY ASSHOLE DON'T IGNORE ME" he yelled mad I still stare blankly at my desk.

He grabbed me by the collar and placed his other hand near my face making explosions I could feel shadow getting ready to attack so I let out a growl to warn him I was prepared for bakugou.

Shadow whimpered and put his ears back I looked back at bakugou starring at him blankly as I removed my muzzle and tossed it on my desk he took it as a challenge and punched me in the face. I continue to Stare at him still in autopilot not caring if he hurt me it was something I was used to.

Then he made a big explosion right on my face causing a brunt hole in the middle of my face but my mask still was on coving my eyes. I heard the door open *GASP* "(M-M\N)!" midorya ran over crying "BAKUGOU WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!" he yelled still crying looking at my fucked up face.

I could see mummy man and bunny man run in hearing the commotion and look in shock and dread "BAKUGOU" they yelled furiously bunny man ran over to me and tried to touch me but I smacked him away "I-I'm so sorry young X- no (M\N) you never got the love you deserved" he broke down and bakugou calmed down from his fit of rage and hung his head low

'why are they acting like I'm dead' 'I don't know their wired' no one was looking at me they all had their heads down in respect as I feel myself heal "What the hell are you guys doing?" I ask and my face healed back they all snap their heads up "(M-M\N)! WE THOUGHT YOU DIED" midorya jumped in my arms crying. I push him off then he looks at me in confusion "Don't touch me" I said coldly they look at me in shock "You done bakugou or you want to blow me up some more?" I ask genuinely he looked shocked and worried.

I sigh as I stand up I pick up my muzzle and whistle then walked out the room shadow following me growling at everyone. As I walked out of the front gates I picked up shadow and started to jump to the den. Once I got there I tried to walk but my vision became blurry I quickly removed his eye mask and put on my collar then blacked out.

3rd persons pov

When (M\N) passed out shadow transformed and picked (M\N) and placed him on his back. Shadow began to run to the den using one of his tails to hold (M\N) down.

Once he arrived he howled alerting the pack they all ran out. Shadow transformed back and whimpers the alpha male dragged (M\N) inside the den and began to nudge his head trying to wake up the (H\c)ied male but then (M\N) gripped his head and yelled in pain. Shadow grabbed (M\N) by the shirt transformed and ran towards a familiar smell when he arrived he saw a huge building. He transformed back before anyone saw him then began to let out a distressed howl.

He heard footsteps running towards him and saw men with guns he whimpers and nudged (M\N)'s head and saw his crakes form. The guards realized who he was and what was happening they grabbed the boy and ran inside with the wolf pup following them once they entered the building they yelled "CODE BLACK!!" then all hell broke loose all the test subjects ran to their cells and the guards armed them-selfs with heavy machinery excepted for the main guard (M\N) called my guard.

He grabbed (M\N) and chined him to the floor he drilled big nails into his feet to pin him to the floor "AHHH" (M\N) yelled out in pain still un conscience. Shadow began barking as he was being held back. They trough many dead bodies for him to feast on. They made sure to seel the room so no smell could come in but it has very small air vents so he could breathe.

*After 30 mins*

(M\N)'s inhuman roars could be heard as he turned into a Kajin a team of guards went in with hazmat suits when they entered they almost truw up. (M/N) was covered in blood feasting on the courses tails ripping them apart while blood could be seen all over the room.

He was out of his chain's and holes could be seen in his feet. They all approach him and carefully surround him then lunge at him trying to break off his mask. But they were too slow as his tails stab through them killing them instantly then he returned to his feast. " CHARGE" they yelled as another round of them ran in using their quirks one had a sleeping quirk trying to make (M\N) fall asleep another had a poison quirk trying to make him weaker.

(M\N) did not go down and got angrier till the main guard walked in singing a certain song.

(I do NOT own the song or the video All credit goes to the owners)

"My whole life has changed" (M\N) froze "since you came in I knew back then You were that special one" (M\N) slumped over and blood tears ran down his blank face.


"I'm so in love" (R\mn) looked down at (M\N) and him with black markings on their body with a loving smile on her face." so deep In love You make my life complete" she sang as she held them in her arms "You are so sweet, no one competes" she gave them butterfly kisses "Glad you came into my life" she held them tighter "You blind me with your love" (M\N) and him giggles and cuddled with her more" with you, I have no sight"

*End of flashback*

"Girl you open me I'm wide open" (M\N) struggled to sing. More red tears ran down his face. "And I'm doing things I never do" he sings as he grips his mask "But I feel so good, I feel so good" he laughs through his tears tightening his hold on his mask.

"Why it takes so long for me finding you?" He sings as he starts to try to break it off. "AHHHHH!!" He screams in pain as he broke off his mask making it gush out blood. He collapses to the floor as his mask begins to crack and fall apart making his eyes go back to normal his guard sits next to him rubbing his back as (M\N) passes out once more.

(M\N)'s pov

I wake you to a huge migraine "Ugh" I groan in pain when I sit up I noticed I'm back home 'when did I get here?' Then I heard shadow whimpering and see him nuzzling into my stomach 'he must have brought me' I pet him "good boy" I say with a soft smile.

"(M\N)" my smile instantly goes away and my mind goes into 'Soldier mode' "Yes" "here eat this you need to get your strength back" he hands me an arm I quickly began to eat till it's gone.

"Did I lose control again?" I said with no emotions he sighs in disappointment "yes but don't worry about that we only had a few casualties. How are you?" He asks with concern lacing his voice "better, thank you" I said formally "Good. You have better return you have been asleep for three days" 'THREE!!' my eyes widen "your uniform got ruined so grab some of your old clothes they are still there" I nod as he walked out of my cell

'It does feel good to be home' I thought as I change grabbing some eye masks. Once I change I found my muzzle on the floor next to my bed and quickly put it on and grabbed shadow running out of the laboratory letting out a howl to show I'm ok to my pack. I hear them howl back as a start to jump back to school.

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