♛ Last Day ♢

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New York City, New York



Eventually, Dream and George finish their conversation and Dream walks into the bedroom, on his phone. I wonder if he even notices me. He walks in, sitting on the mattress. I feel as the mattress sinks when he lays down next to me, somehow enchanted by his phone. 

"Hello?" I ask him, and he yelps and falls off of the bed. I giggle. He sits up, his head peaking out from the side of the bed. His jaw clenches when we make eye contact, and my smile fades. An awkward vibe falls upon the room. He looks down at his knees, still sitting on the floor. His hair covers his face, but I can see how his body rises and falls as he takes a deep breath. 

"Hey, um..." He says, and I turn towards him. Silence again. 
"Yeah?" I ask, making sure he knows I'm listening. 
"Can we talk?" He asks, turning to look at me, face just a bit red. 
"Uh, yeah, sure," I say and stand up off of the bed. He helps himself up, and I walk over towards him. I look up at him, an awkward five feet in between us. He takes a step forwards, limiting the area between us. I have to tilt my head upwards to make eye contact with him now. 

"I just wanted to... Um... Shit, I'm not good at this," Dream says, looking down at twiddling his thumbs. I swallow, my eyes moving from his and looking around the room. Silence fills the room again, distant noises filling my ears. Sapnap and George talking in the other room, their voices mumbled through the walls. Lucky's collar clicks as she walks around the living area. Dream takes another deep breath. 

He makes eye contact with me once more, his green eyes keeping strong contact with my e/c ones. The silence has settled in the room, and I start to grow uncomfortable, and I can tell he is too. 

"I'm sorry," Dream says, breaking the silence. My eyes widen as I look at him. I was going to apologize, because I couldn't help but feel guilty about the whole situation, but it looks like Dream beat me to it. We keep eye contact. 

"Uh... I accept your apology. And I'm also sorry about the things that I said, it was really insensitive of me," I say. I also take a deep breath, remaining eye contact with him. His cheeks get a little red. 

He breaks the eye contact first, looking somewhere just below my eyes. I blush when I figure he's probably looking at my lips. His eyes trail back up to mine. We stand in silence for a moment, eyes scanning each others faces. 

He's attractive, no doubt. No one can disagree, even if they tried. 

We stay intrigued, slowly shifting closer and closer together. My eyes trail down, stopping at his lips. He notices, and mimics my movements. Wait. Does he want to--

"Hey, since we didn't have breakfast do you guys wanna go out for brunch?" George says, bursting into the room. Dream and I both turn to face him, and I step away from Dream and he scratches the back of his head. George doesn't seem to notice, which I'm thankful of. The teasing would never end. 

AHHHHHHHH its times like these where i hate george even though i made him do this

"Sorry, what?" Dream says. I completely forgot what George said. 
"I said, do you guys want to go out for brunch?" he repeats, and I nod, and so does Dream. "Alright, cool. Staar, I'll send you the address," George says. I look over to Dream as George walks out of the room. I try and forget what happened. 

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