✦︎Stolen Kisses♝︎

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There's a lot of fluff here as you can probably tell from the name of this chapter... BYE




Los Angeles, California



The car ride goes by faster than expected, judging by the fact that we were talking and listening to music the whole time.

The hotel is a normal size, with the entrance and the lobby being pretty fancy. There is no breakfast area in my range of sight, which makes me a bit upset, but it's nothing too serious.

The carnival should be set up by tomorrow, giving us the morning and the afternoon to spare. I'm sure we'll find something to do, or just sleep through the day.

Our check-in goes swiftly, and we head to the fifth floor. It's where our room, or rather, rooms, are.

The elevator doors open, leading into a small area with a table and a few vases with fake plants. There's also a mirror on the wall above it, making George make eye contact with himself and fix his hair. I chuckle at his movement, turning to read the room number signs.


<----- 300-351

352-399 ----->


I look down at our keys, reading the number out loud. "319," I announce, then looking back up to hear the other room number.

"Oh. 327," Sapnap says. I groan loudly, turning to George who is still fixing his appearance in front of the mirror.

"What?" He asks, turning around to face us. We're all staring at him, displeased looks on our faces. "Why are you all looking at me like that?"

"Read," Sapnap says, taking the card from my hands. He shoves the two cards into George's face, forcing him to take a step back and read the small numbers. He mutters the numbers to himself, then cringes.

"Sorry," he says, and I take a deep breath.

"Who's sharing?" I ask, looking around. George and Sapnap immediately link arms, declaring their partnership.

"So eager? Jeez," Dream mutters, and I chuckle.

"We don't want to get in between the couple's quarrels," Sapnap says.

"Sapnap, they aren't a couple," George corrects, turning to face Sapnap. Their arms are still linked, and I almost laugh at the sight.

"Well..." Both Dream and I say, then shooting a glance at each other and bursting into laughter. George and Sapnap both stand in shock, non-responsive.

"You guys need to keep us updated! I feel like we're always in the dark and missing out," Sapnap says.

"You were literally there when it happened!" I exclaim sassily.

"The Minecraft date? I thought that was a bit!" George says, waving his arms around. "I didn't think it was real!"

"It was 50/50," Dream says with a small laugh. George and Sapnap shake off the thoughts, and George turns to whisper something into Sapnap's ear. I don't manage to hear any of it, of Sapnap, catches on rather quickly. His jaw drops and he snatches one of the cards from Georges's hands, George leading his hand out for us to take the remaining card.

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