✯︎Sober ♪︎

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Los Angeles, California



I get a notification as Staar sends out the tweet, and her eyes scan it once more even when its posted. I already know what's written, so I keep on refreshing to look at everyone's reactions.

"Everyones taking it well. People are excited for the face reveal," I say, continuing to drag up and down. I turn to look at Staar, who is now biting the inside of her lip nervously.

"Was it underwhelming?" She asks me. My mind races for some context, but find none. I tilt my head to the side, confused. "Like, when you saw me at the airport. Was it what you expected me to look like?"

My mind relaxes and I roll my eyes at her question.

"Are you kidding? Staar, no ones expecting you to look godly," I say.

"But they expect that from you," she says, turning to face forwards. Her face is still a bit red from crying earlier, her hair a bit messy.

"Well I'm a different story."


"Because I do look godly, mkay?" I say with sass, sitting down next to her again. She chuckles, cracking her knuckles.

"I guess you have a point," she says, taking a deep breath.

"What, that I look godly?"

"No!" She says, lightly slapping my chest. "That I only recently described me, so their expectations can't be that high, right?"

"Right. Let's go back with Sapnap and George. Check out is in--" I look down at my watch, "fifteen minutes holy shit! We gotta speedrun checkout," I say and I earn a small laugh.

Staar stands up and walks into her room, waving me a quick goodbye as she closes the door, Sapnap coming through a few seconds later.

"What the hell did you say to make her cry?" He scolds quietly, walking up and starting to throw his stuff into his suitcase.

"What makes you think it was me that made her cry? We're mean to each other but not that mean," I say, somewhat offended at the question.

"Well what happened?" He asks.

"You're just full of questions today, Sapnap," I start. He continues looking at me, waiting for his answer. I pause packing for a moment, looking straight at him. "It's not my story to tell."

Sapnap nods, saying he'll just ask later. We finish packing quite quickly, leaving the room and seeing George and Staar already in the hallway waiting for us.

"Ready?" George asks, and I nod on behalf of me and Sapnap. We walk to the elevator in silence, no topics for discussion appearing. Checkout is quick and simple, no difficulties there.

Our walk back home is what brings this up.

"So... What happenned?" Sapnap asks, shifting closer to Staar as we cross a street.

"Um, so, well," Staar starts, struggling to find a way to say it. "Someone doxxed me."

Sapnap and George stop in their tracks, staring at Staar.

"Guys! Keep moving, we're in the middle of a goddamn road!" I scold, shooing them forwards. They roll their eyes at me but continue walking and later stop when we reach the sidewalk.

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