✣︎All Alone☯︎

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Long chapter!!! Get a snack or something 

Song recommendation: Lemon Boy - Cavetown




New York City, New York



A soft knock wakes me up, and before my eyes even open all the way I can see George creeping into the room, grinning like an idiot when he looks at me. I rub my eyes, it taking a moment for all of my nerves to wake up.

I feel warmth around me, eyes still barely open, but I already know what he's freaking out about. Dream and I are probably still wrapped around each other. Sure enough, when I look up I see the bottom of his head, and feel his arms still wrapped around me. I bring a hand up to rub my eye, trying to wake myself up.

"What happened to "touch me and I'll punt your head like a kickball." Huh?" George asks, and I can barely process what he's saying.
"Gimme a sec. In the mornings my brain is slower than internet explorer," I say. In a few seconds all of the words make sense. I roll my eyes. "Just processed. Fuck you," I say.

George chuckles, then looks down at his watch on his wrist. "Look, we have to leave in half of an hour and I just wanted to say goodbye," George says, and Dream sits up quickly (dropping me), suddenly wide awake.

"You guys have to leave?" Dream says, sadly.
"Yeah," George chuckles, and Sapnap comes into the room.
"How'd you two sleep, lovebirds," Sapnap says, wiggling his eyebrows.

"1, I slept pretty well, thank you Sapnap. 2, never call us lovebirds, like, ever again," I say, and he chuckles. George looks over at Sapnap and whispers something in his ear.

"No way! You guys were cuddling?" Sapnap yells out, and that's enough to wake me up completely.
"Sapnap! Why do you think I whispered it to you?!" George panics. I eye both of them.

"10 seconds," I say.

"10 seconds for what?" George asks.

"I'm giving you a 10 second head start. Well, now its more of six seconds," I say, and they both run out of the room. "five, four, three, two, one."

"Staar wait--" Dream starts, but his voice is drowned out when I run out of the room, shutting the door quickly.

My head snaps around, looking for them. I hear Lucky meow at something, and quickly turn towards the noise in the living room. I run over, seeing Lucky meowing at the curtains. I look up and see the curtains stretched out in an unusual way. Lucky runs into another room. Thank you, Lucky.

"Seriously, George?" I ask him, actually kind of disappointed.

"You gave me ten fucking seconds, Staar," he says, peeking his head out from behind the curtain. I chuckle, and punch his arm lightly. He winces and rubs the area as I turn around to continue looking for Sapnap.

"George, be a good child and tell me where Sapnap is," I say.
"Staar, I'm like, four years older than you," George complains, and I roll my eyes.
"Yeah? First of all, who acts older?" I ask, and George stays silent. "Second of all, who looks older," I say, a smile forming on my face.
"Okay, wow. I wasn't aware that its national attack George not found day," he says sarcastically. I chuckle, and then hear a noise coming from the kitchen.

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