♭︎Eve ☸︎

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Los Angeles, California


Directly after the kiss.


As we part I smile at her, warming the moment even more. I chuckle, looking away for a moment to prevent myself from kissing her again. George and Sapnap are already going insane, meaning that another kiss would only bring up more questions that I don't want to answer.

So, no matter how much I want to, I don't kiss her again. I'll just leave her to think, maybe organize her thoughts and let her figure out if she still likes me, or if I were a small fling.

Stop. I've done it again, going insecure all over again.

I look over to Staar for a moment, seeing her looking down and fidgeting with her fingers. She seems deep in thought, meaning that she won't know about my insecurity.

I don't know what it is, but something about her wants me to be better, to be the best version of myself. She brings out that side of me, which is something that I've never felt before.

Even a while ago with— previous relationships, I haven't felt like this. This is different, in the best way possible.

Wait, there's no way. It hasn't happened again, has it?

It's been so long since I've felt like this, with anyone before. I don't even know if those other times were genuine, or if they were, I don't know, infatuation maybe? Or if they were some twisted version, where the feeling was only truly one-sided.

Where the feeling wasn't mutual.

But Staar and I have almost always had feelings that were mutual, so does this-- I don't know, tugging feeling adds to that? Does she feel it too, deep down in her stomach, or is that just my fear of heights kicking in further?

All this overthinking is only leading me closer to the question that started my over-thinking my own overthinking.

What is this feeling? I've felt it before, or maybe something similar. Definitely not this strong of a feeling, definitely not this certain and insecure at the same time.

Do I love her?


I drag myself out of my thoughts as we come back down to the ground, seeing the sky rapidly darkening.

The small cart door opens under the worker's arm, letting me out.

"Thank you," I whisper to her, earning me a small smile. I expect Dream to follow me. But, when I turn around, he's still seated, stuck in thought just as I was a few moments ago. 

"Clay," I say, hoping to pull him out of his thoughts. It doesn't work, and I have to put my arm on his shoulder to snap him out of his frozen state. He jerks back, and I raise my eyebrows at him. "C'mon."

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