✭Together ⊗︎

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another long chapter you already knowwww




Los Angeles, California



I wake up in my room, Lucky curled up next to me.

Yesterday Sapnap and I watched cartoon network for four hours. I don't even know why we found it so amusing, but I later went to my room, showered, and went to sleep.

I turn around and click the off button on my alarm, plunging my room into silence again, Lucky meows at me, standing up on my stomach. She pushes her paws into me as she stretches.

"Alright, yup. That's enough," I say, sitting up and forcing her off of me. She jumps down then trots over to the desk chair, jumping up and sitting there. I swing my legs over the side of the bed, kicking them as I pick up my phone.

As I open it up I walk into the bathroom, getting ready as I enter my text messages.

SaMsUnG rEfRidGeRaToR 🍲😻:

SaMsUnG rEfRidGeRaToR 🍲😻:
i just woke up
im coming to ur room
we are getting the conventional free breakfast
i don't care what you say
end of discussion

whatever you say sassynap

SaMsUnG rEfRidGeRaToR 🍲😻:
im not sassy
im snazzy 💅

you know who you remind me of

SaMsUnG rEfRidGeRaToR 🍲😻:

my nine-year-old cousin who i used to play barbies with every single day that i would visit her because no one else would bc she's rlly annoying
i wake up and BOOM
"do you wanna play?"

that's a true story except she doesn't speak English so I had to speak to her in ROMANIAN which I'm not that good at speaking but I'm good at understanding... ANYWAYS

SaMsUnG rEfRidGeRaToR 🍲😻:
im going to assume that was a compliment

its not

SaMsUnG rEfRidGeRaToR 🍲😻:
im getting the feeling you don't like me

no im actually being pretty nice to u right now

SaMsUnG rEfRidGeRaToR 🍲😻:
oml this is the nice side of staar?
i dont even wanna know what dream gets

he gets kisses 😳

but like actually tho... 😳😳 oops

SaMsUnG rEfRidGeRaToR 🍲😻:
im not falling for this trick
that ship has sunk after all ur arguments
its like me and George are the children in a broken home

i can't show u a broken home but i can show you a broken bone

SaMsUnG rEfRidGeRaToR 🍲😻:

i know im mean
its one of my fav personality traits 💅

SaMsUnG rEfRidGeRaToR 🍲😻:
be faster i wanna eat

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