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"Are you sure you've got those?" Jamie asked, cautiously letting go of the last grocery bag, ready to catch it should Taron drop it.

"I'm fine, Jamie." Taron smiled, leaning back against the front wall of his building. "Thanks for coming out with me, you made a boring day a ton more fun."

"No problem. Gotta spend as much time with you as I can, before we've got to head home." It was Jamie's turn to smile, pushing his hands into his jacket pockets as he cast his gaze down the street. "Not often I can get away for this long."

"We'll come home, when we get a chance. Definitely.  We should have some time, once this movie's out of the way. Unless Richard gets a job.. We'll figure it out. I miss home."

"Everyone misses you." Jamie laughed, glancing back at Taron. "Seriously, the village's golden boy has gone off to the big city. Nobody's helping the old ladies with their shopping, or walking every dog in the neighbourhood."

Taron laughed softly, his smile only growing. "I wish I could have stayed, really.. We'll definitely be back, though. As soon was we can. You've got a few more days, though, right?"

"Oh, yeah. We're getting the train Thursday night."

Taron nodded, adjusting the bags in his hands. "Awesome. Plenty of time to hang out," He said, a smile still on his face. "I've gotta get these bags up, though, before they break. I'll message you later?"

"Yeah, you best do. Sure you don't need a hand?"

"I'm sure. I'll see you later." Taron smiled, nodding as Jamie started to walk away.

"See you later, T!" Jamie called back, waving as he walked back in the direction of his hotel. The pair had been out running some errands which Taron couldn't bring himself to do alone, and had finished off with a food shop to stock the flat back up. It also meant Taron could cook them a nice dinner, and maybe he could convince Richard to watch a movie with him, or something..

Luckily the lift was empty and came quick, and in practically no time Taron was pushing through their front door. He was grateful for it, because if the bags weren't going to snap soon, his fingers sure were.

"Dicky? I'm home! Can you come give me a hand?" He called through the flat, struggling to shut the door behind him with his foot. Richard came charging towards him, standing in front of Taron with a stupid grin on his face and the TV remote in his hand, and being no help whatsoever with the bags.

"They passed it, T!"

"They- what? Can you just give me a hand, please?"

Richard shook his head before he dropped to one knee, grinning up at Taron. "The same sex bill, T.  They- They passed it! Would you... Will you marry me?" Taron's jaw practically hit the floor, unable to take his eyes off of the man knelt in front of him.  A million thoughts were racing around his head, none of them quite making sense as they all competed  for the forefront.

This wasn't happening.

In his haste to tackle Richard into a hug, he let the bags drop to the floor. Luckily not too much of it was fragile, and he just prayed that whatever was would be fine. "Yes, yes, oh my- Fucking hell, Rich!" Taron laughed, wrapping Richard in the tightest hug he could muster. "Oh my God..  You're not messing me around, right?"

"No! Of course not... I'd never, T. You know that.. They actually passed it! I've just seen it on the news... Swear."

Taron pressed his face into Richard's hair and squeezed his eyes shut, trying desperately to halt the tears threatening to fall. He couldn't believe it. They'd spoken about it, sure. But they didn't think it would ever happen. The topic of civil partnerships had come up, and they'd agreed that neither of them cared for the idea. It was marriage, or just being boyfriends.

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