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hello everyone

thank you for reading, and for all of your support through the writing, even through the hiatus in the middle! you guys are the best and always leave such lovely comments 🥰 this journey has been so fun and i'm so glad that you all came along with me. this book is over a year in the making and there were definitely points where i considered giving up altogether and deleting it. thanks a lot to you guys for supporting it ❤️

this is the end of this book, and i don't have plans for a sequel, BUT i couldn't say goodbye to our favourite childhood sweethearts just yet. SO i am instead doing a oneshots book as a sequel. I'll be incorporating some 'deleted scenes' too, bc this book has 15 drafts and a lot of it is stuff that i took out because it didnt fit or was just unnecessary filler. if any of that gets published you will find it, along with fresh, sequelly-esque goodness over at thrill me.

add it to your libraries now because there will be a chapter up tonight! if not tonight, it will 100% be tomorrow. not quite finished (lol i've had so long to do that) and i'm currently getting up at 4 for work so early nights for me :/

and if you're not already, please follow me! i've got more madderton books in the works completely separate to this so make sure you get notified when they're up!! if you want to of course haha no pressure dude

you guys are the best, thank you for everything x

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