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"Alright, surely that's everything?"

"Almost. Just got to finalise what you're both wearing, and sort out the agreements with the hotel. Did you get them written up?"

Taron nodded, not that Charlie could see him from the kitchen table. "Yeah, my lawyer's emailed them through. Just need to print them out, and sort it with the hotel."

Charlie nodded back, typing something into the laptop in front of him. Taron sighed up at the ceiling, rubbing his hands over his face. It had been a long day of trying to plan the wedding, and he was starting to get tired. Richard had gone away for a few days to prepare for filming, so Taron had taken the opportunity to go home and see his family. It also gave him the chance to plan the wedding, and Charlie was desperate to help. The universe had seemingly aligned to ensure Taron and Richard could have the perfect wedding. Richard was soon to start filming in Wales, and a little over a month later he'd have a week off. The perfect opportunity to get married, and spend some quality time together afterwards.

They were still trying to keep their relationship out of the public eye. This meant their wedding was going to be a very small ceremony, and was fairly easy to plan. The worst part was discussing what they were going to wear. Taron had no idea whether dressing up was too much for a wedding that would barely have an audience, or whether going casual would ruin the day. They then argued back and forth over whether or not they should match entirely, or both have 'matching differences', as Charlie coined it, such as their ties and pocket squares being the same colours. It eventually led to Taron giving up and going to lay on the sofa whilst Charlie furiously scoured the internet for outfit ideas.

"Will we need the NDAs for the suit shop, too?" Charlie asked after a while, looking over at the back of the sofa. "Or is that more suspicious than just two guys needing suits?"

"I don't know... I guess it depends how fancy the suits are?" Taron slid his ring around his finger as he mulled it over. The small ceremony might have made it a little easier, but wedding planning was still way harder when nobody was allowed to know you were having a wedding. "Or- We don't have to go to the same place, right? Or Rich and Jamie could go one day, and us two another? I'm sure they won't connect the dots."

"I'll see what I can find. I'll have to explore a few to see what I like, anyway." Charlie continued typing, almost more furiously than before. He was eager to make this wedding as perfect as he could, and as close to a real wedding as possible. "Vows? Are you doing those?"

Taron nodded once again, letting his eyes slip shut. His phone buzzed against his thigh. "Yeah. We've spoken about it. That's organised.. What else is left?"

"Um, let's see.." Charlie scrolled through the open document, humming quietly as he looked for his checklist, "Notice done, venue sorted, we're sorting clothes, hotel is booked.. Just need to print off those forms. I really think we're finished, once we've tidied up these last few bits. Happy with everything?"

"Really happy.. I can't believe this is happening." Taron paused, opening his eyes to smile up at the ceiling, before slowly moving to look over at his friend. "I'm getting married."

Charlie just laughed, still tapping away at his keyboard across the room. "I know. You might have mentioned it, once or twice."

Taron rolled his eyes, deciding to pull his phone out and check the notification. His heart skipped a beat when he saw it was a text from Richard, then just about stopped beating when he realised it was a picture.

Taron glanced over at Charlie again, happy to see him still distracted. Taron deemed it safe enough to open the photo, and that Charlie had absolutely no way of knowing if something obscene were to pop up on Taron's screen upon unlocking his phone.

Unluckily (or, luckily?) for Taron, the picture was far from obscene. And Charlie definitely knew something was up, because Taron couldn't help but laugh at the picture.

It was of Richard stood in front of a mirror, fully dressed in a brown waistcoat over a striped shirt and a cap on his head, with a simple caption:

how can i help ye, m'lady?

short sorry next one's longer promise 🥰  hope yous are all good

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short sorry next one's longer promise 🥰  hope yous are all good. if youre enjoying my writing at all for whatever reason please please comment and vote. i hate begging for stuff but it really does motivate me to keep writing. i'm currently working on a few new projects for yous that i hope you'll enjoy! if nothing else i still really appreciate that people are reading my stuff 🥰🥰

i'm a whore for teenage aus if you hadn't noticed already (i hadnt noticed until just now when i realised thats what all 3 of my finished + published works are) and there might be another in the works for after this 👀 its a lot different though and i've not fully worked out how it'll go but i've got high hopes!

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