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"Ever heard of knocking?"

"Only when I'm casing a place to rob. Merlin said you wanted to see me?"

"I hope JB's training is going as well as yours is."


Richard struggled to hide his giggle at the smug look on Taron's face when the dog beside him did as he said. He'd barely been allowed onto set as it was, so ruining the shots with his giggles wouldn't be a good look.

"Congratulations on making it to the final six candidates. Your test results were even better than I'd hoped." Colin paused, waiting for the knock on the door, "Come in."

"Ah, Eggsy. I need to have a private conversation, you're dismissed."

"Nonsense, let him observe. He might learn a thing or two."

"As you wish, take a look at this."

"Fucking hell. That is rank, Harry. You blew up his 'ead. Bit much, innit?"

"Actually the explosion was caused by an implant in his neck. Here, under the scar."

"Did my hardware pick up the signal that triggered it?"

"Fortunately, yes. Unfortunately the IP address I traced it to is registered to the Valentine corporation."

"That's not much of a lead. There's millions of employees worldwide."

"Richmond Valentine is a genius. Did you not see his announcement today?"


The three men paused as they gazed at the 'screen' in front of them, and someone in front of Richard reeled off the script from the video. He'd seen Taron act, of course he had. This was different, though. He looked amazing, in a checked jumpsuit with his hair carefully combed to the side. It was the first time they'd been together in person in what felt like forever, and Taron was yet to know Richard was amongst the crowd of crew watching them perform.

As soon as the cut was yelled, the crew descended on the trio of actors like bees to honey. Richard pushed his way into the crowd, making his way towards Taron. The other boy's view was obscured at first, with one person hurrying in to touch up his hair and another pushing through to take the dog away. It was hectic, and Richard hoped Taron would have a break sometime soon for them to talk. He simply couldn't wait any longer. He had just finished filming and wasn't far from the studio, so he'd shown up and begged the receptionist to let him in, promising he knew one of the actors. He must have done a convincing job, because she was quite easily swayed. Too focused on fiddling with her hair and complimenting his accent. She was a pretty awful receptionist.

"Thanks, Mark. It's easy, when you've got two great actors to bounce o- Oh my God."

Richard grinned as Taron locked eyes on him, finally having the chance to step closer as the crowds of crew started to disperse.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked, holding his hand out towards Richard. Richard took it, and was immediately pulled into a bone crushing hug.

"We've wrapped, thought I'd drop by and see how it was going." Richard said, smiling softer as he was released from Taron's death grip, and his gaze moved to the two men watching them.

"Oh, right. Mark, Colin. This is my friend, Richard. Richard, Mark and Colin." Taron gestured to each of the respective men in turn, smiling as he spoke.

"I've heard plenty about you. Nice to finally meet you." Colin held his hand out towards Richard, who graciously accepted the simple shake.

"Yes. Maybe this will get him to shut up about you." Mark teased with a laugh, waiting his turn to shake Richard's hand. Richard marvelled at just how London he sounded, when moments earlier he could have convinced Richard that he was Scottish.

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