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Taron smiled over at Colin, nodding when the older man pulled a slightly confused face. He was asking if Taron was okay, which he was, of course.

Colin didn't even know Taron was married, let alone having marital problems. Scratch that, he couldn't know.

The events of that morning on Richard's set were still racing through his head. Taron had had to excuse himself to get something to eat as soon as he'd seen the letters addressed to David's family, and the prop pistol jostling around in Richard's hand as he got used to the weight, whilst a man spoke to him about the weapon's kickback.

Not something Taron could watch.

"Here, I'm sure you know the drill."

"Yeah, thanks." Taron mustered up his best smile as he took the mic pack from the girl and pulled the wire up under his shirt. He was trying to push those thoughts out of his head, just for the next half an hour, or however long they were going to be trapped in this interview.

He nodded politely through the introductions, a smile on his face as he told the interviewer how happy he was to be there.

He was a professional actor, after all.

Luckily Colin took the lead in answering the questions, his knee gently resting against Taron's. It was an innocent enough gesture, easily done by accident with how close they were sat.

"So, people will probably be surprised to see you in this interview, as we saw you get killed off in the first movie. How did that come to be?"

Taron zoned out again as Colin answered, unable to get those thoughts out of his mind. He really, really wanted to talk to Richard. Properly.

They'd been having weird sort-of conversations through the day, but neither of them had commented on Taron starting to sleep in his own room, continually for the first time practically since they'd moved to London. They'd split up whenever they had guests, of course. But that didn't count. They'd still laugh over breakfast with guests, and sit together watching TV until they fell asleep on the sofa.

Whatever weird purgatory they'd found themselves in, Taron found it incredibly uncomfortable. Any time they did speak was either short, monosyllabic conversations, or a brief glimpse of normality. Brief, because the spark would fade as quickly as it appeared.

"..About that, Taron?"

Hearing his name pulled him back into the room, and he shifted a little in his seat. The mic pack in his lap tumbled to the floor before he could catch it.

"Oh shi-" You're live, Taron. "-ugar. Sugar, sorry." He laughed awkwardly, shuffling off of his stool to pick the pack back up and get himself and the wires re-situated. "I'm sorry, is it still working?"

Taron glanced around desperately, glad when someone behind the camera gave him the thumbs up. Awesome, he thought, I look an idiot, but at least I haven't broken anything.

"I was talking about Eggsy, and how much he's changed. What do you think the main differences are between this film and the first film?"

"For Eggsy, well.. I think there was a lot left unresolved from the first movie with, you know, his kind of.. daddy issues? Colin was taken from him, I think a little bit-" Sugar. "God, I've just used your real name instead of your character name." Taron looked up at Colin, who stared back at him for a moment before they both burst out laughing. Luckily the interviewer was nice enough to laugh along with them until they were composed enough for Taron to continue on with his answer. Fucking up on live TV and being able to laugh it off was definitely settling his nerves. The interview was a train wreck already, so he couldn't do much more than relax and have fun with it. He'd already tried to break equipment and told everyone that he had daddy issues involving Colin Firth, so how much worse could it get?

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