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bonus short filler chapter <3 hope everyone's had a good weekend!

Richard was glad to finally be back in his hotel room. It'd been a long day of work, and that combined with the lack of sleep he'd had over the last few days had made him quite grouchy. He'd noticed it on set, and tried his best to be apologetic and be nice to people, but he was glad to finally be back in his own space.

For some reason he'd not been sleeping too well. He wasn't sure if it was the stress of playing such a huge role, or if it was the homesickness of having not seen Taron in over two weeks. They'd barely spoken, either. Taron had been doing later shoots than Richard, as if the gods had come together to ensure their schedules weren't compatible. Taron had the day off, and they had already arranged to call when Richard made it home.

Maybe knowing that was another reason he'd been grouchy all day.

As soon as the door was closed behind him and he'd locked the bolt, Richard had his phone out and was scrolling for Taron's contact. By the time he'd found it he'd made his way to his wardrobe, so he set the phone to speaker and dropped it on his bed whilst it rang.

"Hey, babe."

The smile that broke across Richard's face hearing his voice was like that of a kid on Christmas morning. He could feel his mood almost immediately lift.

"Hey, T.. Are you busy?"

"Just on my way home. I've been to the gym, are you proud?"

"On your own?"

"Uh-huh. All on my own."

Richard laughed, kicking off his jeans and sitting on the bed to pull on his joggers. "So proud, love.. How's filming been?"

"Not too bad. Pretty fun, actually. The costumes are loads of fun."

"I bet. Is it all fancy suits, like that one you showed me?"

"A lot of it, yeah."

Richard adjusted the pillows before sitting on the bed and leaning back against the headboard. "Seems way more fun than mine. I bet you're not wearing a jock strap all of the time. I spent two days last week just trying different ones on!" He laughed, his smile widening when he heard his laugh reciprocated down the line.

"Wait, seriously?"

"Yeah!" Richard laughed again, rubbing his face, "Two days of all of the crew staring at my dick!"

"I'm not surprised that they struggled to hide it, honestly."

Richard could hear Taron grinning from down the line, causing another soft laugh to slip past his lips. "Shut up, T. Not now.. But, yeah, that was horrible. Luckily it's not been too bad since. Not really, anyway. How was the water stuff? That was this week, right?"

"Yeah, we wrapped it yesterday. It was terrifying. I couldn't do it at first, I kept panicking too much... It was so embarrassing." Taron laughed into the phone, almost sounding ashamed of himself, "I managed to get a minute and a half underwater, last week.. And then when I got in the water the other day I was calling for air every five seconds.. I got better at it, though. We got the scene done."

"That's awesome, babe.. That's really, really good.. Don't worry about it, I bet it's tough to shoot underwater. They wouldn't have been bothered. At least you got it all done.. And, I take it you don't have to do any more?"

"I don't think so, no.."

"So, don't worry about it. It's done, now.. I'm sure you did great, love."

"Thanks, Dicky... I've just got home. Do you want to skype? I've missed seeing your face... We could run some lines, or something?"

Richard nodded, glancing around the room and spotting his laptop on his desk. "Yeah, of course. I'll just get my computer ready.. Call me when you're ready?"

"Yeah, sure thing. See you in a minute, babe. Love you."

"Love you, T."

As soon as the call ended Richard was out of bed, hurrying to grab his laptop and get it booted up. Taron must have done the same, for almost as soon as Richard's skype app was up and running, the call from Taron popped up on the screen.

For a moment after accepting the connection buffered, and all Richard could see was a highly pixelated version of his fiancé's face. He felt his heart sink, until the connection kicked in and Taron's grinning face appeared on screen. A very similar smile broke across Richard's face, as he adjusted the screen of his laptop.

"Hey, Dicky. Long time no see."

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