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Months had passed since Richard had wrapped on Bodyguard. With every passing day the weight he'd been carrying got lighter, and he was starting to forget how it felt to be David Budd. The brief stint of therapy helped. As did having the most supportive husband in the world, and the best friends he could have possibly asked for.

Taron had been unsure when Jamie had suggested a watch party for the finale, as if he and Richard hadn't cuddled up on the couch to watch the rest of the series as it aired. Whilst he'd witnessed most of the filming, watching the finished product on his actual TV was something entirely different. All of those painfully close shots woven between blurry shots of action and drama made for a beautiful show. Knowing how dedicated the main man was definitely made it that much better.

Of course, Richard had instantly said yes. His favourite pastime was to scroll through Twitter during the ad breaks to see what everyone was saying, so getting to watch the reactions in real time would be a treat.

That's how they ended up crammed in Jamie's living room, sitting in suspenseful silence during the painful eighteen minutes of Richard stood in the park, wearing the suicide vest. Taron had gotten comfy in Richard's arms at the beginning of the show, and had found his hand to intertwine their fingers and give a gentle squeeze of reassurance whenever Taron thought Richard might need it.

Watching the show back, it was hardly ever. Now that he had a chance to breathe without thinking about the character, he could separate himself and David again. Still, Richard appreciated his husband's support. It was well meaning, even if a little unnecessary.

"There, look, told you I was in it!" Taron had whisper-shouted, pointing at the screen when he walked in with his hand on Vicky's arm. He was met with a short laugh from Richard, and violent shushing from the other two.

It wasn't until they'd reached the bomb defusing scene and Richard noticed Taron's grip tightening every time the music changed that Richard started to wonder whether the hand holding was truly for his own reassurance, or for Taron's. Richard would squeeze back and flit his gaze over to the others, wanting to see if they were just as anxious. He seemed to be the only one not on the edge of his seat. Jamie hadn't blinked in the last ten minutes, and Charlie was hugging a pillow so hard it was about to explode.

"Holy smokes, Rich. You're incredible."

Charlie was the first to speak up when the show switched to adverts, finally releasing his hold on the pillow.

"Seriously." Jamie looked over at Richard, shaking his head. "The whole country's in love with you, mate. Especially around here."

Charlie laughed, leaning down to take some crisps from the bowl on the coffee table. "They're crazy for you round here. Can't go anywhere without people discussing their theories. Every time either of you does something everyone loses their minds trying to claim to be your best friends, but this time it's even wilder."

Taron lifted his head to smile at Richard, their faces just inches apart when Richard turned to look at him.

"You are pretty incredible," Taron said, a wide smile on his lips, "The show's come out even better than I expected." He cast his gaze over to the other sofa and shook his head before resting it back against Richard's shoulder. "I watched them film most of this, and even I'm freaked out."

Richard lifted his free hand to stroke Taron's hair, a smile playing on his lips. "Taron cried watching me film this bit."

"Fair enough. He's always been a crybaby." Jamie grinned, met with a vaguely aimed middle finger as Taron shoved his face into Richard's sweater.

"It wasn't even this bit," He murmured, "It was the other bit, in the park."

"Oh, my bad. Taron didn't even watch me film this bit, because he knew he'd cry."

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