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"Taron, Taron, over here!"

"Taron, what's it like to work with Hugh Jackman?"

"Taron, what's next for you?"

Richard pulled his cap lower as he followed Taron through the airport, terrified beyond belief. It seemed that nobody had noticed him so far, and he was hoping to keep it that way. He dreaded to think what it would look like in the papers, him picking Taron up from the airport.

He knew it was a stupid idea, but he'd missed Taron. Richard had missed Taron a whole lot, and couldn't wait for him to get home before he could see him. Nothing they'd ever done had attracted so much press attention, but somehow someone had found out which plane Taron was getting, and the journalists were having a field day. Luckily he seemed to blend into Taron's small entourage just well enough to get them out of the airport and into the car.

Richard wasn't alone in his fear. As soon as he heard the car door shut behind them Taron took a deep breath, and he was convinced it was the first one he'd taken in the last ten minutes.

"Sorry about that.." Taron spoke softly, rubbing his face, "I didn't realise they'd be there.. I don't even understand how they knew."

"It's alright," Richard whispered, "You weren't to know, were you?"

Taron shook his head at that, glancing back at the airport through the back window. They made quiet yet friendly conversation on the way home, but there was a sense of awkward tension in the air. Both boys were way too aware that the driver was still in the car, probably listening to every word they said and getting ready to sell it to the press.

Or, they were paranoid.

Luckily the drive to their flat from the airport wasn't too long, and before they knew it they were murmuring their thanks and hurrying about getting Taron's suitcases from the boot. They practically raced up to the flat, not willing to spend an extra second apart than they had to. It was the longest time they'd been apart in years. Sure, they'd both had jobs and had to go away for brief stints, but Taron had been in a whole nother country. For weeks. This wasn't lunch in New York, nor a weekend away for an audition.

And, if you're going to get specific, then fine. Richard was technically in another country when he was filming in Wales, and Taron was back home in London. But this time it was Germany, a properly different country. There was no chance of hopping on a train home on a day off.

"I missed you," Taron murmured, shoving his face against Richard's neck and his arms around his waist as soon as the door was closed behind them, "I missed you so much, baby."

"I missed you more, love," Richard whispered back, pressing a kiss to his husband's hair before pulling him against his chest.

The brief moment of silence hung heavy in the air as Taron gazed up at Richard, and slipped a hand up to rest on the back of his neck.

"Prove it."


"Yeah, Hugh's really nice. It was so fun.. Hey." Taron rolled over onto his front so he could look up at Richard, the movement causing the other man to open his eyes. He couldn't help but smile upon meeting Taron's twinkling gaze.


"We should go skiing, sometime. I'm actually really good at it."

Richard laughed softly, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to Taron's lips. "I don't doubt it. You're good at everything... We'll go sometime, but only if we can go up in Scotland."

"Deal. And, I wouldn't say I'm good at everything."

"Shut up, I've heard you sing in the shower."


"I'm Welsh, we all sing," Richard mocked, laughing when Taron playfully hit at his bare chest before laying his head back on Richard's shoulder. Richard went back to playing with his husband's hair, his other hand gently resting on Taron's side.

"Whatever." Taron tried to hide his face, but the smile was evident in his voice. "I don't even sound like that."

Richard laughed again, letting his head rest back against the pillow and his eyes slip shut. "You totally do.. And for the record, not everyone in Wales is obsessed with karaoke, or is recording a song with Gary Barlow. That's crazy."

Taron laughed along, getting comfortable again. "Okay, fine. maybe I'm half decent at singing. But that's not everything."

"Shut up, you know it's true. Come on, when are we going skiing?"

Taron pondered for a moment, letting his fingers trail up Richard's side. "When I'm finished completely with Eddie... But it'll have to be winter, right?"

"Think so... We'll go before the New Year, at least. As soon as we can, babe. We can find some cute secluded cottage to stay in, where nobody'll see us.."

"And where nobody will hear us." Taron grinned, leaning up again to look at his husband. Richard just rolled his eyes, both hands sliding down the smooth slopes of Taron's sides to rest at his hips.

"You're filthy, Taron Egerton."

"Can't wait to be an Egerton-Madden," Taron whispered, as if they had to worry about anyone else hearing them.

He couldn't stop thinking about how good the name sounded. Ever since the wedding, ever since the proposal. Even ever since that first kiss by the river, or the day Richard brought him poached eggs on toast for breakfast.

Taron Egerton-Madden.

It just sounded right.

"One day, baby," Richard whispered back, pressing another kiss to his husband's oh-so-kissable lips. "It'll come. One day we can be out, and we can have matching rings, and we can finally get out of this apartment, have a big, fancy house with plenty of room for us and our family..."

"One day.." A faint smile tugged at Taron's lips, a million thoughts of raising a family with the love of his life racing through his mind.

Richard listened to Taron's soft breathing, feeling the rhythmic blow of warm air against his chest where Taron had laid his head back down. He knew how eager Taron was to be out. Hell, he brought it up at every given opportunity. It was starting to tug at Richard, to almost make him feel bad for wanting to hide.

But he knew the pains of the real world. Taron had been cocooned in a little village in rural Wales where everyone loved each other and life was a fairytale. He'd been out back home, and nobody had said a thing. Nobody had even said a thing about him still being gay, or potentially turning out straight. People were never bothered about that stuff, there. What Taron didn't understand, was that not everyone in life would care about him, or his feelings. He couldn't picture this life, because he'd never experienced anything like it. The only life that Taron could picture was him and Richard skipping through a meadow, hand in hand without a care in the world.

Richard felt bad.

A soft gasp left Taron's lips as Richard pushed him over onto his back and swiftly moved to rest on top of him, their still-swollen lips easily falling back into a rhythm. All the negative thoughts washed out his mind as he pulled back to meet his husband's eyes.

"One day will come, T.. I promise."

thanks for 6k reads <3

fluff is my favourite especially implied post smut fluff idk why i just think its cute

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