Chapter 6

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I sank right back down in my seat. My heart dropped with it. My stomach turned. Adolpha gave Bayne a displeasing look. Bayne sat, slumped in his chair, an ankle resting on his other leg.

"What? You were going to tell him anyways. He was getting whiney." Bayne complained.

I was too distracted by the frightening news to be aware of Bayne's insult.

"How is that possible? I'm not a werewolf. I never have been."

"You were bitten. Bites change humans into wolves. The process is usually excruciatingly painful, but you were out for most of it."

"I don't look or feel any different. Maybe I didn't turn."

"That's very unlikely. Wolves only turn at night when the moon is out. During the full moon we are especially strong. Everyone you've met today is a wolf. Has been turned at some point or another. And came to live here as a pack."

"Why can't I go home? I can just hide every night."

Bayne laughed. Adolpha looked down at him.

"Wolves have a hard time controlling themselves in that state of mind. You're there, but your animalistic instincts come out. Especially for a youngling like yourself."

"Youngling?" I asked.

"New wolf. This isn't that hard to keep up." Snapped Bayne.

"Bayne. You were a youngling once too. I expect better behavior from you." Adolpha snapped back at him.

"Anyway. When young wolves are made, they have a harder time controlling themselves. They may hurt someone they love by mistake." Dakota, the bearded man explained. Bayne was visibly younger than the other two. He was closer to my age.

"We don't want that to happen. We can't hurt humans. So we stay here. We own this entire set of woods around us. Very few people come in this area, so we're mostly safe from human gaze."

"The wolf that attacked me definitely wasn't trying to avoid anyone."

"We know. He is not apart of our pack. Our pack leader went to speak with another pack to see where these wolf attacks are coming from."

"Wolf attacks? This happens often?"

"Nothing to your concern. For now, we just want you to understand and make yourself comfortable here."

"I don't want to be comfortable here, I want to go home."

"You don't think we all want that? We all wanted to, but it's selfish." Said Bayne.

"Bayne. Enough. Be more empathetic or I will ask you to leave."

"Fine. I'll go. The sun is going down anyways." He pushed out his chair and walked out.

I wondered what he was upset about. I didn't like his attitude.

"My apologizes." Adolpha said.

"We want you to stay here. It's safer for you and your family if you join our pack." Dakota said.

"What would my family think? What do I even tell them?"

"There's a few options. Some easier than others. One, we can tell them you died. It's the hardest but it cuts all communication off with them. You can tell them you moved far, and if you learn to control yourself, you can sometimes see them during daylight."

"This is insane! Maybe I'm not even a wolf! Maybe his bite didn't work on me."

"That's highly unlikely.." Adolpha explained.

"It has happened before. It's rare, but it happens. Sometimes, the bite just isn't strong enough to work." Said Dakota.

"Alright, fine. I'll make you a deal. If you don't turn tonight, we will let you go home and forget this ever happened. If you do turn, you will stay here and learn how to be a more functioning wolf."

"Deal." I said.

I stayed. I was wracked with nervousness. I tried to tell myself, this was ridiculous. I wasn't a werewolf. I couldn't be. I just started a new life at school, I was just making friends. This was impossible. I denied every thought that told me it might be true.

"Dakota, will you take Erin outside? I need to speak with Bayne."

He showed me the way outside to the woods. There was a cage. It was the size of a two car garage. The bars were metal.

"You're going to put me in there?" I asked.

"I know it's not ideal. But the first turning is always the worst. You won't be yourself."

"I'm not going to turn. I'm completely ordinary." I said. I told myself I needed to convince him, but I needed to convince myself. This was all impossible. I was going to stay human.

"If you don't turn, we will let you out. If you can be out past the moon, you are still human."

I went in the massive cage. Dakota locked it. He didn't lock it just once. He put several locks on it.

"Just a precaution." He said, finishing up the final lock.

"Someone will be back for you in the morning." He said, walking away from me. I was alone.

The sun lowered and lowered. The sky faded from orange and pink, and turned dark. The moon rose. I felt nothing. I let out a breath in relief. I wasn't going to turn. I wasn't going to turn.

In the distance, I heard a wolf howl. It came from the woods. It got closer. I began to panic. What if the cage wasn't to keep me from getting out for their safety? What if they wanted to trap me in here to eat me? I had to get out. I had to run.

I stuck my arms out the bars and quickly attempted to fiddle with the locks. I needed to get out before they came for me.

It started in my arm. My insides felt like they were on fire. Then, it felt like my insides were being torn apart. I fell to my knees. I screamed and cried. It didn't stop at my arm. It spread to my other arm, then my chest. It was worse than fire. I could hear my skin shed off. I laid in the fetal position and covered my ears. It was the worst pain I had ever felt. It felt like torture. I would rather be dead.

"HELP!" I called out. The shedding fire took over my throat. I couldn't speak anymore. It then spread to my eyes. I lost all my senses before everything went black.

When I woke up, I wasn't me. My consciousness felt on the back burner in my mind. I wasn't controlling my movements.

I remember the howls became closer. I destroyed the cage they had put me in, and ran out.

I was hungry. I didn't know for what. But I needed to feed.

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