Part 6

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"Omg I LOVE IT" I scream as I look myself in the mirror

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"Omg I LOVE IT" I scream as I look myself in the mirror. ^^^^^

"We told you" Grace and Astoria, my two best friends giggle.

They took me to a muggle hair parlor to get my hair done for our 4th year of hogwarts. My hair had been a dirty blonde to begin with and I wanted a change. What will my family think? Oh. They will hate it. They hated my nature hair. They always said it dosn't look right in the Weasley family. But it dosn't matter. I love it.

"Draco will be allllll overrrr youuuuuuu" Astoria says playfully.

"Why Draco of all people?" I laugh.

"I don't know! I just said the hottest person that came into my head!"

"ASTORIA! Don't call that moron hot!" I screech playfully.

"OK fine. But you have to admit I'm right." She smirks.

"You aren't right and you will never be right!" I screech.

"I'm here to you know" Grace says laughing at this whole convo.

"Then what is your input?" I ask.

"He is kinda hot..." She mumbles.


"What!?! You were the one who asked for my input!" Grace says defensively as Astoria falls on the ground laughing.

"Astoria get your ass up. We are on a sidewalk for god sakes!" I say.

"Omg chill out Eliza" Astoria says.

Oh, did I forget to mention that's what people call me now? One day in first year Dra-, I mean Malfoy called me that. Astoria overheard and started calling me that as a joke. And it stuck. Eliza is way more bad-ass in my opinion. And I'm glad to have gotten rid of the name my family calls me. They still call me Lizzie. Well now more frequently Elizabeth. 

"ELIZA!" Grace screeches interupting my thought. "GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE CLOUDS AND PAY ATTENION"

"JEEZ OK" I screech back.

We head to Diagon Alley to get a few things for school.

"Ooooo! Can we pleaseeeee go to the broom shop?" Grace whines.

"Fine." I say. 

Grace and I are on the Slytherin Quiditch team. We are both chasers. I originally tried out for keeper, but the Captain said I would make an amazing chaser.

We walk into the shop and notice the Firebolt and new Nimbus 2003. 

"I'm getting it" Grace says as she points at the Nimbus. 

I sigh knowing that my family couldn't afford it, and even if they could, they wouldn't get it for me. Where as Grace's family were basically rich.

"Don't be sad Eliza!" Astoria says. 

"I'm not!" I say. "I love my broom!" 

When we tried out in 2nd year Astoria did as well. She had the new Cleansweap at the time and gave it to me when she didn't make the team. It isn't the nicest broom. But I can't complain. I got it for free, and it was very nice of her to give it to me.

Grace hands the cashier the Galleons,

"Thank you, Miss. James!" he says. "By chance, are any of you Elizabeth Weasley?"

"Uhm, I am" I nervously step forward and say.

"Someone bought this for you earlier and told me if I saw you to give it to you!" He says handing me a broom.

It was a firebolt. Thee Firebolt.

"A-a-are you sure it's for me?" I stutter.

"Of course! They person who bought it was very specific!"

"May I ask who bought it for me?"

"Sorry Miss, they told me to keep that part quiet" He says and winks.

"T-thank you so much!" I say and walk out of the shop.

We start walking to the exit of diagon alley and talk quietly about my new broom when we hear,

"Weasley! What have you got there? A new broom? Ha. Probably a cleansweep. Hm but I didn't think your family could even afford that!" Malfoy says.

"For your information, it is a firebolt!" I say.

"A f-firebolt?!" he stutters.

"Yes. A firebolt. Now if you would excuse me, me and my broke ass will be on our way" I say and swing my newly done hair so it hits him in the face.

The girls and I run out of Diagon Alley and then burst into laughter.

"Did you see his face?" Astoria says while laughing so hard she's crying.

"I KNOW! It was priceless!" Grace says

"I can't wait for this year" I said.

Oh if only I knew. If only I knew.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for 43 reads! Omigosh I am so happy! Please leave a comment or feedback or something you would like in the story!

- Gracie <3

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