Part 13

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(warning: may be triggering to sensitive people. suicide is mentioned)

Oh. My. Gosh. Today is the final task. The last one. After this task, I get to go and live with Cedric for the summer. Elizabeth Nicole James and Cedric Amos Diggory. Yes, my last name is now James. Last week Grace's parents and mother and father-    wait, scratch that. I'm starting over. Last week my new Mum and Dad met up with Mr and Mrs. Weasley and a wizarding lawyer. They signed the paperwork. Got my stuff and left. I talked with them and they agreed that technically they are now my parents, they aren't going to move my residency from my sibblings house. Well, technically they actually aren't even my parents either actually lol. My parents are still my legal gardians and their house is still my home, but the lawyer said if I'm not comfortable with my last name being Weasley, I may change it to James, and look to the James' as my parental figures, and live with them and such. But if my bio parents want me to come live with them, I have to. No questions asked. Annoying, I know. Shit, I've got to go. The task is about to start.

Grace, Astoria, and I start walking down to the stadium and find our seats. I see Ced and run down to him to see him before he goes in.

"Cedric Diggory, you go in there and win us that money" I say laughing.

"Yes your majesty" He says jokingly.

They music starts playing and I realize the task is about to start.

I give Cedric a hug and whisper "Remember your promise Cedy"

"I promise Lizzie. Remeber yours as well. I love you so much"

"I love you too Cedric" I say. He then crashes his lips agaisnt mine and then runs over to where he has to enter the maze.

I run up the stairs and take my seat inbetween Astoria and Grace.

(A/N: Im putting in a pic of Astoria and Grace. And yes, Astoria is technicaly 2 years younger and marries Draco, but let's pretend she dosn't and she's in their year. And this not actually what she looks like, but how I imagined her.And Grace is my character soooo I chose how she looks.)



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We sit there talking for a few more hours. We then see harry pop out of the maze holding what looks like a body. We are all cheering until I see who the  body is. Cedric. It's Cedric. My heart stops and my adrenaline kicks in and I start running down the steps. I can hear Grace and Astoria screaming my name, but they know not to follow me. 

I finally reach him, grab his bloody shirt, and start bawling. He was all I had. He was my family. He was my everything. 

"GET BACK! ALL OF YOU!" I screech. Everyone excpet his father Amos backs up, Amos knowing I wasn't talking to him.

"Lizzie, he told me to tell you this, exactly 'Tell Lizzie that I love her and I'm so sorry. And that she has to keep her promise. That's what I want. Harry, make sure she knows how much I love her. Tell her everything will be alright. I love you Elizabeth Nicole Weasley.'"

That's when I went biserk. I honestly don't remember everything, it is all kind of a blur.

I got up ran back to the castle and didn't even stop when I heard someone following me. I stand where nobody could see me and say "acio knife" and a knife flies into my hand. 

"I'm joining him" I say and start laughing hystarically.

"Elizabeth, listen to me. Don't you dare. I know you feel broken. But you will make everyone you care about feel that way to if you do this. Don't, please" Draco says.

"Oooo I'll make people have to face their feeling! Big fuckin deal." I say still laughing like a maniac.

"Lizzie, put down the knife."

"DON'T CALL ME THAT! only he called me that." I say, drop the knife, fall to my knees and start crying, crying harder then I ever have. Draco sits down in the grass next to me, throws the knife, and pulls me onto his lap so I'm crying into his shoulder.

"shh, it's ok" he softly says as I cry even harder.

"D-d-draco... where am I supposed to stay?" I stutter in between sobs.

"Aren't you staying with Grace?" he asks.

"N-n-no, I-I w-w-was s-s-supposed t-to s-stay w-w-with C-cedric, s-so Grace's f-family m-made p-plans t-to g-go somewhere a-and i-it's to late f-for m-me to g-go."

"It's alright, he says soothingly. You can stay with me. Everything will be alright." he says.

"O-ok. I will." I say.

I didn't believe him then, I and almost told him no. Little did I know that, that decision would change my entire life. How my life would change. How many bonds I would make, how many I would lose. 

Hey! I hope you liked this chapter, sorry it was a little weird. Please leave some suggestions or comments! Don't forget to vote :). I'm not going to make another chapter, because it is late where I am and I need to get some sleep. Ily all sm thank you so much for all the support! -

Gracie <3

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