Part 9

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Tonight was the night. They were choosing the champions for the triwizard turnament. Did I mention how hot the Durmstrang guys are? No? Well it's probably because I'm not supposed to since I'm now Cedric's girlfriend. Don't get me wrong! I love being his girlfriend. It's just I'm not BEST girlfriend. I enjoy crushing on people and making out with them and such. But you didn't hear me say that.

                                                                              - a few hours later-

I'm nervously sitting at the Slytherin table inbetween Grace and Astoria. They can tell how nervous I am considering that I'm shaking. If I'm this nervous about this, Imagine if he actually gets chosen. He could almost die.

"FOR DURMSTRANG... VICTOR KRUM" Dumbldore yells.


" LADT BUT NOT LEAST, FOR HOGWARTS" and this is where I shake harder then ever,

"CEDRIC DIGGORY" that's when my heart crashes. He could die. No he won't! He's Cedric!

"And those are, our champions! May the-" Dumbledore gets intrpted with several gasps.

The goblet was on fire again! A name flies out and Dumbledore grabs it.

"HARRY POTTER!" Dumble dore yells.

I see all Harry's friend aka Mr. Disappointment and Hermione push Harry out of his seat and walk up there. Dumbledore walks in the chamber and closes the door and all we hear is muffled screams. 

"What do you think is going on?" Grace asks.

"I don't know! Says Astoria.

"El! Are you ok??" Grace and Astoria ask as I start crying.

"What if Cedic gets hurt?" I ask.

"He won't El! Dumbledore wouldn't allow it!"

"I guess so" I say still sniffling.

The champions walk out of the chamber and Cedric walk over to me, picks me up and spins me around. Grace and Astoria wink at me and take that as their cue to leave.

"I did it Eliza! I did it!" he says.

"Ok but Ced, you can call me Lizzie. I know you are more comfortable with that." I say. I haave known him forever, and he grew up calling me Lizzie.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Of course I'm sure, silly" I giggle.

"Ok, Lizzie, are you ok?" He says realizing i have tear stains on my face.

"Of course I am!" I say. Thennnnn the truth come out. I start bawling and say

"Ced, no I'm not ok. What if you get hurt? Or even die! How could I live with myself?"

"Lizzie" he says and lifts up my chin "I will be alright. I promise you. And when I win I will buy you whatever you want, to prove it." 

He then does something I've been wanting him to do forever. He kisses me. A long passionate kiss. It starts out soft. Our lips barely touching, then it gets more passionate. Nothing to out of control considering I'm 14.

He pulls away looks me in the eyes and the pull me into a big hug.

"Elizabeth Nicole Weasley, I promise that I will be ok. I promise that I will spend the rest of my life with you. Just one thing. I won't break that promise. But you have to promise me, if I do break it, you will move on and live your life. Not stay moarn over me forever."

"I promise Ced."

Helloooooo! Thank you so so sooooo much for 100 reads! I love you alll sooooo much and I hope you guys are have a fantabulous day! I hope you like this chapter, and leave some suggestions for me :)

-Gracie <3

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