Astoria's Pov and Draco's Pov

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Ok let's get this straight, I don't give a shit about what other people say about Elizabeth. I. Don't. Like. Her. She is a bitch. I know she didn't do anything. It's not my fault she's in love with my boyfriend. Yes, I know she's dating Harry, but we all know she's in love with MY boyfriend, Draco Malfoy. I know I have no proof, but does it matter. I know I've been Elizabeth's "friend" for forever, but honestly, it's only been to get closer to Draco. I'm a bitch yes, I know. At this point I don't really give a shit about weather people like or hate me. Most people think I'm the greatest thing along with Draco. We are the King and Queen of Slytherin. I wouldn't have it any other way. And I am for sure not having a stupid pink haired freak stealing my crown.

Draco's Pov (make sure to pay attention to this)

Well, life's gone a little bit crazy. Yes, I am dating Astoria. She is beautiful, but she's changed. When she was friends with Grace and Elizabeth, she was kind, smart, caring, and even friendly. Now she's kind of a bitch, please don't tell her I said that. I mean, she still acts the same towards me, except when Elizabeth is around, she immediately gets super clingy. She also is constantly hexing Eliza, Trixie, and Tracey. Elizabeth and Trixie always beat the shit out of her every time, probably because they are much better witches. I want to say one more thing. Elizabeth has changed, a lot. She's kind of gone crazy, kind of not. It's hard to explain. You know what, I'll let you experience it for yourself. Just listen to one thing. Beware.

Helllooooo! Yes another chapter :). I'm clearly going to be posting another one, so ya know triple update since I didn't update for 2 weeks... Again I'm so sorry about that. I swear I'm not dead. I love you all!

-Gracie <3

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