Part 7

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Today was the day. They quidditch world cup. I've been waiting all summer for this! Grace and I stayed up all night talking about it in her beautiful room! Wait. Did you think I was going with my family? HA! That's funny. Yes, they actually are going. But they used my ticket to bring Hermione. Yes. I'm serious. Father's work got tickets for the entire family. And the ticket that was meant for ELIZABETH was given to Hermione Jean Granger. How Touching. Grace's family heard and bought me a ticket and insisted I go with them. I felt awful considering it is so much money for a NORMAL ticket. But they were sitting with the minister in the fancy box thingy. So that was like, quadruple the price! I fel-

"ELIZA!!!!" Grace screamed interupting my thought.

"What. Do. You. Want." I say into my pillow.

"Get your ass up!" she says "We are going to be late!" 

I jump up out of bed, not wanting to burden Grace's parents. We had to get there by portkey and we were meeting the Diggorys and another family that they didn't tell us.

I get dressed (not like in the pic) and do my hair in a messy bun (below) and we get on our way.

I get dressed (not like in the pic) and do my hair in a messy bun (below) and we get on our way

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We get to the portkey and I see the diggorys. Cedric hops down from the tree as the other family arives. Of course. It's the weasleys. Great.

"What is SHE doing here?!" Asks Ron.

"The James' bought her a ticket Ron. None of our buisness" Father says.

"Calm down love" Cedric says and plays with a loose strand of my hair as he sees me clench my fists.

I bluch deeply and then I hear Grace scream

"ELIZA" motioning her head to the portkey that was spinning.

We goes and everyones falls to the ground excpet Grace, her parents, cedric, my dad and me. Her parents had tought me how to Gracefully get down. Well, except when we set our feet down I fell over a tree root. But as always Cedric is a gentleman and catches me. 

"Couldn't let the pretty one fall now, could we?"

I turn a deep shade of Scarlet and start walking towards Grace.

"Ooooo someones got a crushhhh" She says.

"I do not!" I say horrified. "He is pretty cute, just not my type"

"Pity" she says dreamily.

We get to out tent and set our stuff up. This tent is bigger then my family's house. Literally. I share a room with Ginny. Well I did. I have basically moved in with Grace now. I go to her house for Christmas and I have my own room I stay in during the summer. My family send me "gifts" for my birthday and Christmas, but that's about it. Grace's parents even throw me my birthday parties. I object, but they always insist. We are so close I even call them by their fiest names. Cleo and Tim. Short for Cleopatra and Timothy, of course. 

We get to the stadium and start finding our way to our seats. I look at my ticket and see my seat. Right next to Draco Malfoy. Fabulous. 

"Jeez, Eliza is gettin all the guys today!" Grace squeels as I elbow her in the ribs.

"What was that for!"

"Just shut up, G" I say.

"Someones moody" Draco says.

"Shut up" I say.

"I see you are rooting for Ireland" he states.

"And I see you're not" I say.

"Wow, such an amazing observation." He says while low key staring at my boobs that are hanging out of my shirt.

"I see you are observing something else as well" I say smirking "Enjoy the view" 

"I do not! It is absolutely disgusting!" He sneers.

"Funny" I say.

They game starts and I kind of zone out the entire time. Just thinking about my life. Everything that's happened. Where I am now. It all kind of hits me as Fred rolls his eyes at me form across the stadium. I have lost everything. My sibblings, I was always so close with. Its hard to throw away 11 years of your life all of a sudden. Charlie and Bill still like me I think. But Percy I know for a fact, dosn't. He has told me straight to my face, unlike the others. The twins who I used to pull pranks with, and who used to be my bestfriend, roll their beady little eyes at me and pretend I don't freaking exist. My own twin, for gods sakes, hates me. Calling me a traitor when I walk by, never buying me anything on our birthday, even though I always buy him something. Ginny, my own sister, pretends I don't exist as well. 

I gasp a little bit as Malfoy grabs my hand and starts holding it. I wonder why he is for a moment then I relize I'm crying. Barely. But still crying.

The game ends and Ireland won! I grab Grace by the hands and we spin in circles. 

Once we are back at our tent I hear loud noises and panicking people. We hear Cleo say

"Girls! Stick together! Your father and I have to go deal with this!"

We start running in the chaos and eventually lose each other. I am sobbing and just sprinting. I fall in the mud and look up and see the dark mark. I get up and keep running until I hit the forest. I go to the nearest tree and sit down and start sobbing even harder and louder.

What if Grace and her parents get killed? My family won't care! What will happen to me?

"Weasley, don't you think that's a little dramatic?" I hear Malfoy laugh.

"CAN'T YOU JUST SHUT UP" I Scream. He is a little takem aback, but recovers quickly.

"Ok... fine then. What's wrong?" He says while rolling his eyes.

"First off all, I know your father is part of this shit. And if Grace and her family die. I am holding YOU accountable!" I say

"How did you know my father is part of this?" he stutters.

"Malfoy, I am a pureblood. Just like you. I live with other purebloods that are close to your family. We all know your father is a death eater. We just choose not to do anything about it."

That's when it happened. The thing that changed everything. The thing that changed my whole future, then and there.

He started crying.

I then realized he isn't mean, he's just broken. A broken little soul. 

I run over to him, grab his hand, pull him off the ground and hug him. A genuine long, soft hug.

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