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TW: Brief mentioning of anxiety 

I pull into my parking spot at 8:23 and take my medication before heading up to set. Tori isn't in the studio, so I decide to go waste time in the hair and makeup trailer, hopefully one of my new favorite cast members will be getting ready.

"Oh, how disappointing." I say, when I see only Charlie sitting in the trailer. He just happens to be my least favorite after last nights heart attack.

Charlie pouts, "That really hurt, Kaya. I'm in deep pain."

I smile as I sit in the chair next to him, "I'm sorry, but I'm still recovering from being haunted by you last night." I lean forward to look at what he is eating, "Are you seriously eating eggs and peanut butter? That is disgusting."

He pushes the spoon towards me, "Try it, trust me its amazing." 

I lean away from the poison, "I'll pass. I want to make it to my twenty first birthday and I think eating that would stop me." 

Charlie scrunches his nose, in a very cute way, and keeps eating his interesting food. I play on my phone for awhile and we enjoy the music playing until Owen comes in with a tired expression. 

I fake pout, "Aw, my poor baby. Is someone sleepy?" Owen frowns and lies on the couch in the trailer, making me and Charlie laugh. 

"Charlie was all night watching your youtube videos at full volume." Owen says tiredly. Charlie throws a makeup brush at him and my cheeks go pink. 

Luckily, its time for me to head over to the dance studio and escape this awkwardness. I cover Owen up with a blanket and take a quick picture before heading out. 

It takes all day, but we finish the dance and the whole Dirty Candy crew has it memorized and close to perfect by closing time. 

On my way out, I run into the cast. "Kaya, we are having a 'get to know you' thing tonight and you are coming." Madison says to me. 

I smile, "Am I only coming because you need a ride?" 

Madison slaps her hand over her mouth, "That was unnecessary."

"Alright, I just need to shower and change so let's go to my apartment first." I say as we reach my car. 

I quickly shower at my one bedroom apartment and blow dry my wavy hair before putting on a tight black skirt and a button up with a grey nike pullover on top of it. (outfit at the top) 

Madison gasps, "Okay, queen I see you!" 

The drive to the restaurant is only long enough for us to scream sing two songs with the windows rolled down. Inside the casual restaurant, Madison drags me over to Owen, Charlie, Jeremy, and Sav. 

I hug Sav and sit in between her and Owen at the table. Throughout dinner I notice Charlie staring at me, which makes me nervous because I don't like when people watch me eat. 

Owen notices my leg shaking, one of my lovely nervous tics, and starts to eat my fries. I shove his shoulder gently, "Hey, you have fries on your plate." 

He grins, "Yours are better." I shake my head and smile at him as I eat the fries off of his plate. 

"Come play pool with me." Charlie's little voice says from behind me. I look up to see him giving me puppy dog eyes. 

"I'm awful at pool." I say, not wanting to get up. This doesn't stop Charlie from pulling my chair back and tugging my over to the pool table in the corner. 

Charlie and I spend the next couple of minutes playing pool, or rather Charlie completely beating me at pool because I'm awful. Eventually he realizes how much I'm struggling and comes over to help me. He wraps his arms around me and adjusts the way I am holding the pool stick. 

I suddenly become very aware of how I am breathing and every detail of our position. "So, you slide it back and push toward with this arm. Keep the other hand in the same position to steady the stick." Charlie whispers into my hair, causing electricity to flow through me. 

After the solid ball goes into pocket and I let out a little cheer. I turn around and realize Charlie hasn't moved. My back sits against the table and Charlie has hand on my arm and the other on my waist. His hazel eyes lock intensely with mine. 

"Charlie, you're in my personal space." I say in barely a whisper, unable handle the tension. His face slowly erupts into a smile. 

"Charlie, you simp!" Madison yells from the table. Charlie steps away from me and I exhale. 

In the car Madison stares at me until I ask, "Can I help you? Are you choking or something?" 

She side eyes me, "I'm just waiting for you to explain what that was between you and Charlie."

"We were just playing pool." I say, trying to convince myself at the same time. 

Madison scoffs, "That wasn't just playing pool. There was major tension. Now tell me, do you like him?"

I park in front of her apartment complex, "No, I don't like him. 

She unbuckles and wrinkles her nose, "I don't believe you."

Later that night, I lie in bed and try to sleep but my thoughts keep me up. What did happen at dinner? Was it all in my head or is there something actually there? No, I tell myself. Charlie doesn't like you. Even if he did, you're not looking for a relationship. You're focusing on yourself. 

Author's Note: I'm really excited for this story so please give me feedback and interact!

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