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"How was your trip?" Charlie asks. 

I nod, unsure of what is about to go down. "It was really good. I needed it." 


"I-" We both start at the same time. I give a dry laugh and gesture for him to go ahead. 

He steps towards me, "I know what I said was a lot for you. I don't know everything about your past and what you went through, but I do know the real you. I know that you are full of self-doubt and anxiety. I see how much you worry over little things, but I still love you. I see the real you and I'm in love with you."

"I really wish I could say those words back to you, but I can't. I haven't been able to say those words in the way you want in two years because I lost the person who I thought I was going to grow old with. I'm so sorry Charlie, I really am. I wish I could be that perfect girl for you, but I come with baggage and problems. You don't deserve to get weighed down by me." 

"Luckily for you, I'm really strong." Charlie says, smiling at me. 


He grabs my hands in his, "So what if we aren't perfect? Who cares? I like us. I like that we fight over stupid things and can make each other laugh until we cry. I like that we aren't perfect. Perfect is over rated anyways." 

"Are you-" Charlie grabs my face and kisses me before I am able to finish my sentence. I relax and run my hands through his hair, soaking in the moment. 

We break away and I smile. "Charlie Gillespie, if I remember correctly, you just wrote a song about me."

He smiles at me and my heart beats faster, "Maybe. You gave me a lot to work with. Don't know if you noticed, but you are really dramatic." 

My mouth falls open, "I am not." 

"YAY" Madison yells as she comes out of hiding. She runs over and hugs both of us. 

"Madi, that was an extremely personal moment." I say, shocked that she was listening. 

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to quote it at your wedding." She says, making me and Charlie laugh. 

Author's Note: Yay they are together now!! This chapter is really short, but I really like it. I feel like I saw this every chapter, but thank you so much for all the support. It's crazy that people actually enjoy this. There is only one more chapter after this, which I'm so sad about but I don't want this to run too long. Give me some suggestions on what you want me to write next! I thinking maybe Peter Parker fanfic or Outer Banks, but I want to know what you guys want to see!

Imperfect Harmony: JATP ~Charlie Gillespie~Where stories live. Discover now